Last day :(

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I wake up and I feel weird about what happened last night with James so I go to his room in my pyjamas and ask him what's up and he said " You don't think this can last even though we can Skype and text!"
"I've been in a long distance relationship before and it sucks because you might never see them in real life ever again!" I tell him
"Whatever like you care!" He says and tries to shut the door but I stop him and tell him "Have you ever heard the saying 'If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you it's yours, if it doesn't it was never meant to be' I tried long distance and I stopped after a month maybe it would be better if we were friends and kept in touch instead of being in a relationship even though we would still love each other and maybe we will be together again one day."
"Okay but let's spend the day together as a couple not friends."
"Let's go" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek

We spend the entire day together swimming, talking, and being together then after dinner he says to meet him at the club and get dressed up. I go back to my room and I get Lani, Cadence, Gia, and Emma to help me. Lani thinks I should wear something simple, Cadence thinks I should wear something sparkly, Gia thinks I should dye my hair in a crazy colour and Emma thinks I should wear something black or white with a statement necklace but I want something with pastel colours and lace so we go shopping and get the whole package (outfit above) then finally I'm ready. I go to meet him at the lounge and I don't see him but then someone starts to sing 'I will wait' and I know that voice I turn around and its James! I think he's finally gotten over his stage fright for me! When he's done we stop by Claire's room and get a list of pranks to do on people. For Cody we rigged his door to drop a bucket of glue on him then on the bottom of the bucket of glue we wrote 'That's for pulling us apart -P&J' he is gonna be so mad. For Cadence we dropped her beloved phone in the pool but it was in a was in a waterproof case she flipped! For Gia we said that she was going to have to die because she messes something up in the future she went insane! For Emma we told her that our parents told us she was adopted but she actually isn't she burst into tears and that was the end of the pranks. Tonight the are going to be fireworks and we are going to watch them together before they go off James pulls me into a big kiss and as soon as our lips touch the fireworks go off I'm starting to think that Disney really is magical this whole cruise was amazing I felt a way that I never felt before with Cole or anybody I think I found my Prince Charming but I have to leave. This was the best day of my life!

When I go back home I tell all my friends about him but they don't believe me even when I show them pictures they just say it's photoshopped only my really close friends believe me maybe one day we'll all go together and up with him, Ethan, Jake, Cadence , Madison, and Claire and my family ! Me and James still text I miss him so much it hurts me to think about him. I haven't dated anyone else and neither has he. Well that the end of this story but there might be another you know what they say the end is just a beginning of a new story!
To be continued maybe ...

Thank you for reading this and please comment what you want next - T

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