chapter - 9. Goodbye.

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"You seem to be under the impression that this vulgar stalker of yours is me."

Yoongi's heartbeat increased. Is it not Taehyung after all? Did he just accuse someone of stalking him without proper evidence? That too, a murderer?

That's right. No serial killer would waste their time on something like this. But then, what's with those notes...?

"And for your information,"Taehyung continued, snapping Yoongi out of his trance. "I myself wouldn't be so clumsy and obvious. No damn way." Taehyung smirked, eyes showing pure mockery towards Yoongi. "It seems a bit... you know? Lame."


And so, Yoongi had no other choice than to spend his own money to fix the door. He called a joiner someday later after he found out about the peephole in his door, replacing it with a door that would be too hard to drill a hole on.


Both the carpenter and Yoongi turned around to find the janitor fuming with anger.

"You're making a racket early in the morning!" He spat,glaring at Yoongi.

Oh no, Yoongi mentally cursed himself. The whole stalker thingy kept his mind preoccupied and the thought of informing the maintenance office about this matter beforehand had completely slipped his mind. He got distracted.

"The door was faulty, so I'm having it replaced."Yoongi explained,"hopefully this one can't be drilled through—"

"You can't just change the door when you feel like it! Are you the building's owner?!" Yoongi tensed, feeling small under the janitor's gaze. "YAH, YOU PUNK! STOP THAT NOISE! And you, DO YOU OWN THIS FUCKING BUILDING, HUH?" The janitor prod his finger in Yoongi's chest, pushing him away some steps.

"I-I apologize." Yoongi said, bowing. "I simply wanted to change the door as soon as possible so I forgot to ask for permission. Please forgive my ignorance."

As Yoongi begged for forgiveness a dark figure from behind the walls smirked.

"Please, I accept full responsibility for this-"

"You need to move out."

Yoongi raised his head, sweating and eyes wide. "P-pardon me?"

"You heard me."The janitor snarled,"Gather your belongings and vacate the premises by midnight."

The dark shadow grinned and moved away.

What an awful day.

Yoongi twirled his finger on the rim of the glass that was filled with cheap alcohol. He's currently at a bar, drinking his worries away.

However, the more he drinks the more thoughts are corrupting his mind.

He's been kicked out of the building he was living at. He can't find a place to stay at, Joohyung was away on business and it's freezing cold outside. Even the old small studios are all full. There's literally no place for Yoongi to crash at.


Yoongi glanced at his side to find a man smiling down at him. Let's see.. tall, tanned, blonde hair.. exactly not his type.

"Can I drink with you?" He asked, placing his long hand on Yoongi's thighs.

Yoongi startled at the touch, swatting his hands away. "What are you doing?"

"Why?"He smiled, groping Yoongi's ass. "This is a gay bar. Aren't you here to find someone to spend the night with?"

Yoongi grimaced and slapped the man's hand away from his ass. "I'm not. Leave me alone."

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