Episode: 3

147 6 0

Location: Unknown village name

Status of the village: Destroyed

Casualties: Approx. 100

Survivors: 1

Itami rappelled down the well and his lower body made contact with the cold water, he then picked up the girl in his arms and prepares to be lifted out. "Pops!"

"Slowly! Pull them up!" Kuwahara shouted to the driver.

Itami climbed out of the well while carrying an unconscious blonde elf girl on his back. "Get ready for rescue, hurry!" he urgently said.

"Roger that!" the men spreads out prepared to load the Elf on a stretcher and be loaded in the Japanese Toyota Humvee.

"Her vitals are steady. Take off her wet clothes first." Kurokawa instructed Kuribayashi who took out her medical shears. There was supposed to be an Army medic, but realizing they're working on a female, he decides to back off to show some respect.

Meanwhile, Itami was drying his boots off from the water all while Kurata was happy that he got see an elf.

"Commander, it's an Elf! And a blonde one at that! How awesome! The Special Region is great! I feel like things are starting to look good!"

"So, you're into elves?"

"C'mon guys, at least let us show some signs of professionalism here." Rivers said, although he enjoyed reading and watching anime-related stuff in his downtime, he doesn't want those getting in the line of work.

"Excuse me." Sergeant First Class Kurokawa reported in.

"How is she?" Itami asked the medic.

"Her body temperature is normalizing and she's in the clear for now."

"Good to hear." Itami felt relieved after saving the girl from the well, she could've died from hypothermia had he not thrown that bucket.

"What should we do now?"

"Well... For now, let me find a dry pair of boots and socks!" the Japanese Lieutenant said leaving Kurokawa confused by his response. "The settlement was destroyed. We can't just leave her here. Let's take her back as a refugee."

"I knew you would say that." Kurokawa said as Itami let out a sheepish laugh as he puts on his boot.

"I'm very kind, aren't I?"

"Oh, well. I wonder how I should I say this. I wasn't sure if I should bring it up. I mean, you having ulterior motives because she's an elf. It seemed rude to mention!"

'Woah. Behind that friendly smile and tone, she does bring an aura to destroy the Japanese Lieutenant, I can tell she's warning them about some questionable stuff, she's one terrifying woman and it gives me the chills.' Rivers thought.

Later the convoy was driving back to base but first, they had to make a pitstop at Coda Village.

"We are now en route to Alnus Station via Coda Village." Itami announced

"God, I've been waiting for that." one of the Marines in the back said.

"Hey, Commander. We won't run into a dragon or something before we meet a catgirl, right?" Kurata genuinely worriedly asked.

"Why would you ask something like that?" another Marine said then they crossed the bridge which tells them that they were almost there to the village.

"What if it really happens now?"

[Later, Coda Village]

"Huh? The village has been wiped out?" said the village chief.

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