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"Where are you going?" Nidhi asked, looking at Tej who, along with Varun, was going out of the class just when the bell rang, indicating that the break time was over.

Tej came over to her bench and leaned down and whispered in her ears, "Skipping class, of course."

"Tej! You can't do that!"

"Why not?"

She knew that their principal was going to come on rounds but Komali ma'am told her to not tell anyone. "Um...be-because..." she stuttered, groping for words that might stop Tej from skipping class. "Do you know that skipping class comes under abnormal psychology?"

Seriously Nidhi, abnormal psychology?

That triggered him. "What do mean abnormal? Are you saying that I'm abnormal?"

Great, I just called my crush abnormal to his face. I should honestly start to learn how to control my verbal vomiting.

"No, no, of course not," Nidhi immediately denied. "I'm just saying that what you were doing is not healthy for your mental health."

"I'm confused but I'm not gonna ask you to explain, I'm sure you'd go into a psychology lecturer mode," Tej said, poking his tongue out at her.

"Real mature of you, Mr Tej," she rolled her eyes.

Tej went back to his seat leaving a confused Varun standing on the threshold of their classroom who slowly -and confusedly- started making his way back to his seat, throwing Tej a confused glare.

But what Nidhi forgot was that it was English next period. Usually, it was one of her favourite classes but given her performance in her exams, she was not all that excited about it. She was sure that Monica Ma'am would distribute their exam papers this class.

"Pssst," Someone hissed from behind her which was soon followed by a nudge. "Why are you just plainly staring at the same paragraph for the last five minutes?"

That brought Nidhi back from her reverie. "Huh? Oh, nothing,"

"So, are you prepared for the English test?"

"Which test? The one on grammar?"

"Yup!" Tej said, popping the 'p'. "I honestly suck at the poetic devices, clauses and everything related to grammar,"

"You should've asked me earlier, I would've helped you with it,"

"Well..." Tej trailed off, a sly smile on his slightly tanned face. "You can still help me,"

"How? By letting you copy off of my book?"

"You got that right, see? You are my soulmate, Nidhi, you understand what I want without me saying it,"

Tej just called me his soulmate! I can peacefully jump into a spoon of water and lull myself right now.

"We'll get caught," she said, trying to ignore the soulmate part and act indifferent.

"We won't. Trust me, I'm experienced in this,"

"Monica Ma'am will kill me if she finds me helping you in the test,"

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