Chp. 1~1 - A Desperate Heart (The Rose-Red Tyrant)

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Y/n P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of our door closing, "Kumo..? That you?" I asked tiredly, "Sorry if I woke you up. " Kumo apologized, "Don't worry, just go to bed already we have school tomorrow, remember..?" I asked as I saw Kumo lay down on her bed, "G'night." I spoke, "Night night.." Kumo replied as she drifted off to sleep.

Kumo P.O.V

'Where am I..?' I asked as I woke up in my dream, 'I recognize this place... It's my old home..' I thought to myself as I heard whispers coming from the living room downstairs, 'I wonder who's talking.. This is probably one of my memories when I was younger.' I thought as I walked down the stairs and hid behind a wall, "Look at this one~ She's adorable!" my mom cooed, "We'll name her.... Kumo. Kumo Yamamoto." my dad stated, "Oh~ That has a nice ring to it~!" my mom cooed happily, "As for her twin..." my dad trailed off, "Haruka Yamamoto." my mom spoke with a small smile, "It's settled then." my dad said, 'What...? That's me? Then who is she..? Is she my twin? I don't remember having a twin...' I thought as the scene shifted, "Darling, my baby Haruka is gone!" I saw my mom speak to my dad in a panicked manner, "What?!" my dad exclaimed shocked by the news, "Who do you think took her?" my mom asked as if she was about to cry, "Don't worry my darling, she'll be alright. I remember my sister taking her to teach her magic." my dad spoke reassuringly, "And you didn't tell me? I was so worried that my baby got kidnapped.." my mom spoke more calmly than earlier, "I was about to tell you but you were taking Kumo out to shop for clothes." my dad answered, "Well, I hope we get to see our baby Haruka again.." my mom uttered, "Don't worry she'll visit us every weekend." my dad answered, "That's good..." my mom spoke happy that her youngest daughter was alright, 'Huh... that's why I don't have a single memory of her, I was only 2.' I thought as the scene shifted to my dad talking on the phone, "What do you mean she won't be able to visit any more?!" my dad exclaimed, "I know she can't get attached or she won't be able to focus on studying but that doesn't mean you can cut off our connections! She's my child, and her mother would be devastated to hear that her precious daughter won't be able to visit any more!" my dad told the person on the other side of the phone, "We can go visit her? Really?" my dad asked, "Okay then, we'll visit her on the end of every year." my dad answered, "but I can't bring the other twin? Why not?" he asked, "She's stubborn?! My daughter isn't stubborn. She's a little bit possessive yes but you can't just let us leave her at home!" my dad tried to reason with them, "Fine. I'll see you then." he said as he hanged up, "my poor baby.." my dad uttered before he left the room to tell my mom about the news, 'So that's why they often left me with my mom's sister..' I thought as the scene shifted to where my mom's sister took me to the orphanage, "Where are we going..?" the 5 year old me asked, "Somewhere safe.." she uttered, "Will I ever see mama ever again?" the younger me asked, "Sadly no... But you'll make a lot of new friends there!" she spoke trying to cheer me up, "No..! I don't wanna..! I wanna go home!" the younger me cried as tears started streaming down her face, "I'm sorry munchkin, but I can't do that. Your home isn't the best environment for you to grow up in." she spoke as we arrived at the orphanage, "Okay.. but will I ever see mama and papa ever again..? Will they come see me..?" the younger me asked, "Sadly no... But you'll meet new people who are willing to raise you." she answered as she handed me to the young maiden working at the orphanage, "Bye bye, my little munchkin." she said as she placed the over sized mask I was wearing onto the side of younger me's head, "Bye bye, aunty Satomi." the younger me waved goodbye to my aunt, 'So I had a twin.... I bet we look similar.' I thought as I started to shift into the darkness, "Hahaha... I had a twin.. How.... Funny..." I said to myself as I fell into the darkness.

??? P.O.V

'I wonder how my twin is doing, aunt Mayu kept talking about me having a twin named 'Kumo Yamamoto' and she also said that she looked almost identical to me..' I thought as I looked up into the night sky sitting on the frame of one of the many windows in my Academy, "What'cha doing up so late, furriend?" Che'nya asked, "Oh hello, Che'nya.. Just thinking about my twin.." I mumbled as I looked at him, "Oh~ Who might your twin be?" Che'nya asked with his usual cheshire grin, "Well, from what I heard from aunt Mayu... Her name is Kumo Yamamoto. Does that ring a bell?" I asked him, "Oh my~ I didn't know that two of my childhood furriends were twins~" Che'nya answered cheekily, "You know my twin?!" I exclaimed, "Yep~ I didn't know why I didn't put two and two together though~ She's adopted by two kind gentlemen." Che'nya explained, "Do you know where she is now?" I asked him, "I don't know me furriend, the last time I visited her and her friends was like 1 year ago." Che'nya replied, "Ah... But if you get any info about where she is please tell me." I spoke, "Will do furriend, mew'll be the furrst to know~" Che'nya jested, "Thank you, Che'nya." I thanked him with a small smile, "That's what furriends are for~" Che'nya jeered cheerfully, "It's getting late I suggest mew go to sleep, furriend." Che'nya added as he started fading away, "Alright, have a good night Che'nya." I bid him goodbye, "Nighty night~" Che'nya spoke before disappearing, 'Finally.. I have some info about my twin... It's good that she at least have friends to take care of her.' I thought as I went back to my room to sleep.

Twisted Wonderland Secrets

☆ The fact that Haruka and Kumo are almost identical except the fact that Haruka didn't dye her bangs beige

☆ Che'nya likes eating Trey and Kumo's pastries

☆ Kumo is completely clueless that she has an actual twin until the dream she had


















A/n: Hee hee, I bet you all didn't expect that did ya? I'm so full of surprises~ Next thing you know Kumo will have another twin~! I'm kidding, having one twin is already enough :P Anyways hope you all have a great day/night or whatever time it is for you all ^^

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