Chapter 4

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Jennie lay frozen, unsure of what to do. Maybe if she laid still, Lisa would roll over away from her in a few minutes.

It was perfectly innocent, she'd probably gotten cold and just gravitated toward her warmth.

Her hand feels so warm against me. Jennie sighed. No one's touched me since Jongin, she thought, and I haven't had another woman touch me...well, except....

She thought back to her life before Ella. When all she'd cared about was having a good time, and a good time had meant more alcohol than she could possibly fathom drinking now.

Before Jongin, there had been Hanbin. Before Hanbin, there had been Drew. Drew had taken full advantage of having a girlfriend who could be counted on to drink too much at every party.

That one night, a night she had tried to forget, Drew got her so drunk that talked her into a threesome with some woman whose name she'd never learned. It hadn't been something she'd particularly wanted. It wasn't something she could even remember clearly. Except...She had vague memories that the unnamed woman had done more for her that night than Drew had their entire 'relationship.' But wasn't an experience she'd ever contemplated repeating. She had always thought herself as straight.

Lisa gave a contented sigh and suddenly her hand slid up to cup Jennie's breast. Jennie jumped and muffled a surprised yelp. She could feel Lisa's breath on the back of her neck.

She shook away her thoughts and gently took hold of Lisa's wrist, trying to slide it back down to her stomach. Lisa made a happy sound in her sleep then squeezed her breast tighter. Jennie felt her nipple involuntarily stiffen. It felt...good to be touched again. But she had to put a stop to this. Didn't she?

"Lisa? Lis, are you awake?" she whispered.

Lisa made another happy sound, then slowly started rocking her hips against the swell of Jennie's behind. Jennie could feel the heat coming through the two layers of flannel between them, and was surprised to feel the stirrings of excitement in herself. But surely it was just because it'd been so long.

"Lisa...Lisa, wake up."

Lisa pulled Jennie tighter to her body, and whispered against her neck, "Mmm...Jennie..."

Jennie pulled at Lisa's wrist a little harder and slid it back down to her stomach. "Lisa, wake up!" she said louder.

Lisa started, jerked her body, then went completely still. A second later she groggily whispered, "J-Jennie?"

"I'm here, Lisa."

"What are you...we were...Oh god! I'm so sorry!" She shoved herself away from Jennie and accidentally banged herself hard against the wall but that was the last of her worries. "I'm so sorry! Do you want me to go?"

"Lisa, it's..."

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...I swear...I'm so sorry!"

"Lisa, it's okay. Shhh, it's okay, it's alright."

Lisa seemed panicked. "I-I should go. I'm sorry, I should go."

"'s alright. I'm not upset. And it's..." She picked up her phone from the side table and checked the time, "...four in the morning. It's probably still snowing and there's no way your clothes are dry. Where are you going to go?"

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