011 | "feelings are weird man"

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Wild Thing A Lee Haechan Story
Words: 698
Chapter 11 | "Feelings Are Weird Man"


THE WEEKEND had finally come and Haechan hadn't come to school at all that whole week, it was safe to say the cold standoff-ish blonde girl was worried about the boy.

Waking up to Mark knocking on her door was a surprise, "Come in" her groggy voice called out as her brother popped his head in with a small smile he found his way over to her bed and sat down. "We really need to clean this room up huh?" He laughed as Kei just rubbed her eyes and gave a sour look to the boy, "What the fuck do you want Mark" she asked blinking a bunch of times to adjust to the light in her room.

"Well Haechan wanted to come over today but I'm going out with Yuta, you know one of the guys who works with me at the cafe" Kei nodded her head as she could remember all the other times Mark had come home talking about the boy, "Yeah I know him, isn't he like your boyfriend or something" the boy in front of her blushed a crimson color as she just snickered at him. "N-no he isn't my boyfriend! W-were just going out! Jesus Kiki!!" He sputtered out, "Anyway he's still coming over because he doesn't really wanna stay at his house for a while so you need to get your ass up so he doesn't see you as a complete wreck again".

The blonde looked directly into the boy's eyes "again?!?" She yelled as she flung her arms around "when did he see me as a wreck the first time!?!?" Mark laughed at his sister, "Well he was here the day when mom told you she was adopting you, he was actually the person who told me how you felt and made me go up and talk to you- he was really worried".

Kei felt butterflies in her stomach as Mark told her what the loud mouth boy did, He really told Mark he was worried about me? She thought as her cheeks dusted pink. Rushing to stand up Kei ushered Mark out of her room "hurry up and go see your boyfriend! I need to get ready you prick!".

Slamming the door in his face she heard him sputter from the other side "he's n-not my boyfriend!!"


Opening the door Mark gave Haechan a tight lipped smile, "Hey Kei's up stairs but I've gotta go...." The normally loud and smily boy just nodded his head and slung his big black duffel bag over his shoulder. Picking at his bottom lip his voice was muffled by his fingers, "Where'd you want me to put this" he asked hinting at his bag around his left shoulder. 

"Oh yeah just set it on my bed I'll be back around 9" the boy nodded and watched his friend rush out of the house in a giddy manner, giving a scoff Haechan closed the door and muttered under his breath "he definitely likes him" rolling his eyes he walked up the stairs and into Marks room throwing his bag into his bed not even looking where it landed and walked over to Kei's door going knock.

"Fucking hell!!" She screamed as she slipped on a pare of jeans she'd actually been trying to find for a few days now, rushing to the door she whipped it open to reveal the boy she'd been worrying for non stop standing there. Brushing her tank top down she wiped her hands on her pants and blew a few baby hairs out of her face that fell out of her ratted messy bun on top of her head.

"Hey" she answers out breathlessly and gave a smile, Haechan gave a tired smile back as he waved at her but Kei could tell his eyes had sadness behind them and his smile was almost painful to look at- definitely not like his normal self. Feelings are weird in the since Kei found the boy absolutely infuriating but for some reason she needed to know why he looked so sad, The blonde was worried about the boy and she had no idea why.

Did she actually have feelings for him?


I think the keichan ship is finally taking off!!!!!

Plz enjoy and vote <3

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