chapter 28

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"Zimayah!!" Anthony yelled as I pulled the trigger on tanisha. I shot her right in the head causing her to die. The ambulance slow ass finally came nd got dre in quick.I got in with him, as i noticed the police pulling up. Trey mouthed "I got this" nd I continued doing me nd praying that dre gonna make it. I knew he said he was my ride or die but damn I aint no he was serious.


Im watching dre in his hospital bed while trey, Destiny, adyin, nd anthony are on there way.see dre like think is really killing me the doctors say he was shot in the chest nd legs nd he is most likely not to I been begging him to come back even doe he probably cant hear me.

"Dre veen doe u cant hear me, I want u to noe I will always love nd care bout u. even if u end up dying.ur the father of my kids nd my fiance. Iwill never let u go no matter wat happens...u will always be my one nd only love....please come back dre.....please."I pleaded to him as my tears poured from my eyes.

thats when "squad" came in nd I got aydin from trey. Nd stared at him..he reminds me of dre so much I couldnt stop crying. I just wanna see him laugh his deep but sexy laugh nd I want to see his pearl white smile nd I wanna be wrapped in his arms nd his soft pink lips pressed against mines...I miss him nd it hasnt even been 12 hours.

"U ok boo"destiny asked noticing I was in my train of thoughts.

U-um g-good....I replied in a shaky voice. I was scared that dre wasnt gonna make it. He gonna miss out on so much. A couple minutes pass then the door swung open..the doctor came in with his clip board in his arms.

"Well family of mr.Jordan I have good new nd bad new..which one first."

"Bad" we all said in unison

"Ok it seems that mr.jordan is in a coma nd doesnt seem like he will wake up...if he doesnt show any improvement in 3months we will have no choice but to pull the plug"

I could feel that tears building up nd my throat get scratchy.

Umm. Wat about the good new

"Well mr.jordan got shot 2.2 inches away from his heart nd we were able to get the bullet out just in he should be able to wake up before 3 months.............hopefully"

We all let out a heavy sign as the doctor left. its gonna be a long 3 months. We all said good bye to each other. I kissed dre's lips softly. Nd made my way to our house. I texted destiny to bring my stuff back to the house. I stopped by subway nd ordered me a tuna sandwhich. I made it home 15 mins later. I unlocked the first door nd took aydin out. I put him in his lil playpen to lay down while I ate my food. Wen I finished I grabbed him nd was getting him ready to take a bath. I got his Johnson & Johnson body wash nd his lil towel. I got his bath tub nd poured the warm water in , I squirted the body wash nd placed him getting his washcloth and scrubbing him clean.

It took me 15 mins to get him completely clean.I dried him off. Nd put his lotion on.I put his blue nike onesie nd wrapped him in his blanket. I fed him nd rocked him until he fell asleep. I put him in his crib then went to shower myself. I to did a quick shower cuz I was tired asf. I dried up nd put my undergarments on. Then I put one of dre's t-shirt. I crawled in bed nd drifted off to sleep. Day one of my lonely nights.





Story coming to a end....soon

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