~Part six~

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Sorry for not updating for two whole months. School has been knocking me down, but I'm trying to edit as much as possible. anyway, continuing with the story: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


hunters pov 

I "texted" steve to come to pick me up, coming quickly as he was told.

He had gotten here, and I got on the staff. We both started talking... Well, he started it.

STEVE: BOLD                                                                                                                                                                               HUNTER: NORMAL                                                                                                                                                                  hunters thoughtsitalic                                                                                                                                                       Steves thoughts: bold and italic                                     

"so, how was it?" 


"it was fine, I guess."

" Anything happened?"


"You sure?"

Steve was always the one who teased me, but it was always playful. It never did any harm to us, I guess it was just our way of speaking.

"Fine, you got me," I chuckled after my sentence. 

"What happened? Was it fruity? was it------" 

he chated "was it" trying to figure out what had happened today at hexside.

"Did you do... It?"

"STEVE, THAT'S GROSS! YOU KNOW I'M ASEXUAL," I shouted. Not too loud, but not in a normal voice. It wasn't like a rude yell.

We both laughed at his thought, and he ended up joking about it.

It wasn't long before we were at the "HQ "

"here's our stop," Steve laughed

I hugged steve as a thank you. It felt weird at first but then I got used to it. It felt warm and comforting once he hugged it back

"Your welcome, kiddo,"  he smiled.

I run in to go in the throne room. I know the drill, tell Belos what happened, and I get sent off to my room, but today was going to be different with a few words. Asking to join the sleepover with the human. Of course, I had to make something up that could  make belos say "yes you may go, to SPY on the human only."

That was going to be hard to do but I had to do it anyway, For... Research..? 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Athors note between the story:

I could end this here but then people would hate it because of how short it is. I'm not that mean lol also does it sound like another story? 

I'm trying not to copy any books. I have been inspired by many books and I'm hoping it doesn't sound the same way some goldric books do. Anyway continuing sorry!

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