chapter 9

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"Tommy," Wilbur whispered, slightly shaking the boy with his free hand. "Toms."

With a whine, the boy followed his typical routine- Asking for 5 more minutes. He can't help it, okay? He's tired.

"Normally, I'd let you. But the train stopped. Unless you're planning on becoming a freight hopper, get up." Wilbur explained, hoping the boy would get up, considering his stance on trains.

Tommy whined. "Would you let me be a freight hopper?"

"No. So, get up."

Eventually, Wilbur was able to persuade the boy to get up. Not only that, as the fatigue faded, he did in fact realize he was on a train and that was enough to make him drag his lanky limbs upright, still holding onto Wilbur's hand.

The two were briefly stopped by Charlie-- green skin, big smile and all-- asking them how the ride was. Wilbur had to answer briefly to stop Tommy from giving an entire essay on why trains are the bane of his existence, and thus he answered with a small "It was nice, thank you." Before heading out.

Wilbur was quick to notice the air quality. Las Nevadas was a much more man-made area, it had an industrial quality that made the air thick-- making it feel as though the air was unable to reach his lungs. It certainly wasn't the worst he'd experienced- living in L'manberg for a large section of his life meant he had built up some semblance of a tolerance for polluted air, but it didn't stop it from being notable.

The train station they found themselves in was a far more modern, clean area, deeply contrasting with the cobblestone and bricks used in the previous one of which they'd used to get here. Tommy took note of it, mesmerized by the almost futuristic vibe of the station, taking in the look of the walls, the floor, the roof- all made of what Tommy thinks to be iron Maybe? Regardless, it was beautiful. Wilbur, however, just found it unsettling.

"Am I allowed to actually stand on this floor?" Tommy asked, in complete disbelief, looking at the tiles. "No, no, I don't think I am."

"You are," Wilbur starts, "Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's good. I preferred the other one."

"Wilbur. Wilbur, it's gold, the whole thing- Iron an' gold. Holy shit."

"It's so lifeless."

"It's so amazing."

"It's boring."

"It's enchanting."

Wilbur hated it. With every inch of his body, he hated it. Wilbur hated how cold it felt. Industrial, lifeless, and cold.

"Come on Wilbur! We gotta- Is the rest of 'Nevadas like this?"


"Yeah, it's just- that kind of place."

Wilbur guided Tommy through the hoard of people walking around the station- Everyone looked so classy, and rich , and Tommy was equally terrified and infatuated with it. Wilbur wishes he was somewhere homely, right now.

"So, like- Wilbur, what do you do when you travel?" Tommy asks, weaving around the people filling the station.


" Duh . Like, before I came and graced your presence, because that's absolutely what I did--"

"I beg to differ-"

"-- That's absolutely what I did," Tommy clarifies, "What did you do when you arrived at places and stuff?"

"Just...walk. Take in everything. Enjoy being away."

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