First To Leave

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"To think this time next year will be the last time we all sit in this room together" Jungkook spoke up from his phone. "Why is that?" Jimin asked, instantly remembering the answer. At this point everyone had now looked up from what they were doing. "The trials..."

All seven boys were currently sitting in a hidden basement located in the woods, behind the school they all attended. They had discovered this almost 4 years ago now and have been the only ones to since. It had been re-renovated since and now was filled with furniture, book filled shelves, a pool table and a tv. This place was a common hangout spot during breaks and free time for them.

The trials. This year was Jin and Yoongi's first attempt as they were turning 16 within the next school year. The thing is no one really understood the trials, but they know enough for it to make them nervous. Athenia is sectioned into 3, the inner border, middle border and outer border. The boys were part of the middle border and no one knew what was in the other 2. Only that that outer border is bad to get sent to and that if they don't pass the trials within the 4 attempts they won't get into the inner border. Everyone had their own beliefs but Yoongi had a theory that it was to reduce world population and there is no outer border. Everyone who failed the trials would be killed and those who are stronger get to live in the richer part of the city. But that was just a theory.

"Oi, Yoongi, wait up!" Jin shouted down the corridor. Yoongi stood there while everyone around him barged past to get to their lessons. "You'd think they were late" Yoongi said once Jin caught up. "We are!" Jin exhaled out of breath from running to school. "Wait what?" Yoongi said confused. "We have to be in class early today cause they are going through the trial stuff". Yoongi looked Jin directly in the eyes "oh sh..."

Jungkook was still too young to be in the bigger school where the rest of the boys were. Luckily next year he'll be moving into year 7 and won't have to keep sneaking in to see his friends. Even through the schools were stuck together, you have to walk all the way around to get into the secondary building from the small primary building. Jungkook was doing just that, he knew that everyone was in class so he was walking around to get to the forest which was on the side of the bigger building. Once there Jungkook began to climb the tree and then climb back down into the hollow of it. He opened up the latch and as usual, instead of climbing down the rest of the ladders, he jumped straight down. He glanced at the room when something usual caught his eye. "Hello?" He asked the room. Then came a sniffle from behind the couch. He runs up to see what it was, no, who it was. The unusual sight of Namjoon tucked up into a ball with his head buried in his knees was what Jungkook came to see. "Are you ok?" Jungkook asks, very worried as this wasn't normal for any of the boys to do. He patted his back and came down to his level. "I'm just worried that's all" Namjoon lifts up and his puffy eyes reach Jungkook's. Jungkook, without hesitation, leaned in and hugged the crying boy tightly. "It's ok, everything will be ok, yeah?" Jungkook said whipping his tears away. "Yeah, hopefully".

Tae let out a long sigh watching as his eye sight went blurry from looking at the board too long. He decides to rip out a piece of paper from his book, grab a pen and start writing. He passes this to the desk next him, where Jimin looked just as bored as him. Jimin lifts up from his seat a little more to read it.
"Oh Tae!" He said a little too loud and earns a shush from the teacheacher. Jimin covers his face a little to hide his laugh from Tae's joke. He writes back 'funny but you almost got me murdered by the teacher'. Tae smirks as he writes back. Jimin looks from the note and gives him a death start. "You know you really are weird Tae" he whispers back. Tae writes again, this time on a more serious note about the trials. 'How are you feeling about the trials stuff?' Jimin looks up and writes 'terrified, I'm not ready to loose them, we need to have a big meeting tomorrow, I'll tell everyone I see, you tell everyone you see, we'll meet in the basement tomorrow after school'. The teacher walks towards the boys as they are writing. "And what is this?" she asks, causing the entire class to turn and face them at the back of the class. Tae quickly scrunches up the paper and puts it in his pocket. "I don't want anyone passing notes in my class, lets see it then?" She asks only for both boys to shake their head. "Ok then, you'll have to stay back after class then". She goes back to teaching and both boys let out a big sigh. "That was close" Tae said under his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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