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*above is jenn's outfit for the day*

About Jenn:dirty blond hair, brown eyes, short she is only 5,0, has an 8yr old brother named blake, she can sing but no one knows and she is a fangirl

Jenn's p.o.v.
*christmas day*
"Hey, hey, hey, wake up" i hear a small whisper "ugh" i groan and roll over. "But its Christmas" The small voice replied. Then it hit me. Eh. Meh. Gawd. My eyes shot open and i jumped out of bed. "Ha, I knew that would get you up" replied my pesky 8yr old brother blake.
"Get out, go, scram" I say shoving him out of my room into the hallway and shut my door in his face. I heard little footsteps down the hall and his door shut. Now that, that was over, the real reason I woke up is because of him. He comes to my house alot but no we're not dating. His name is axel and he was coming over today for the christmas party. All my family members come over to my hosuse for christmas because its the biggest.
But anyways back on topic, he was coming over today and I wanted to tell him how i feel, I just hope this hopes this goes well.
Quickly i jump in the shower. My showers dont take very long, only like 10-15 minutes. I wash my hair and body and everything. After my shower i apply some eyeliner, mascara and lip balm. I alaways try to keep it as natural as posible.
My ootd is a black leather skater skirt, a light grey sweater, black leggings and black heels and a cute golden necklace. Luckily the heels didnt effect my height not that it really mattered. I'm only 5,0 but with the heels im only like 5,1 or 5,2. I dry my hair and throw my hair up in a cute messy bun, which the whole outfit looked ah-mazing
"Honey come on down the guest are starting to arive." My mom shouted from downstairs, i was so nervous, what if he didnt feel the same way. I took one last glace in the mirror and headed down stairs. As I was walking down I was shearching for axel but found a whole bunch of other family members, finally i spotted him. I walked over to my mom and was greeted by alot of older family members.
After a bunch of hugs and kisses i walked over towards axel, my hands were really sweaty,just great. He was dressed really nice, i mean he was in a tux but he looked really good in it, I finally walked up to him and greeted him. He looked kinda nervous, probably not as nervous as i was. "So hows it goin'?" Axel asks. "Gre-" i was cut off by my parents tapping a spoon against a glass thanking everyone that they could attend.
"So umm, i think we need to talk." Axel says rubbing the back of his neck. "Sure" i reply trying not to sound nervous but the inside of my stomach was turning in knots.
He grabbed my hand and led me into my moms office and shut the door. I let go of his hand, and wiped my hands on my leggings and sat down. "So, erm, whatcha need to talk about" i said probably stuttering half of the sentence.
"Ok... umm i know this is gonna be awkward and this might ruin everyth-" he was cut off by cheering and laughter roaring the room even though we were in the office. "Anyways" he continued. "I-i think i may h-have feelings for y-you." He stutterd which was really cute. "And before you say anything, i've been thinking about it alot and i can feel, you feel it too, right?"
I was too stunned to say anything, i was gonna talk to him about how i felt and he talked to me first, this was amazing. But how could i respond.
He looked down with dissapointment. "Forget it" he said getting up. " no, wait" i say grabbing his hand and guesturing him to sit back down.
"Ok, right i do feel it too, and infact i was gonna talk to you today and you came up to me first an-" i was interrupted by a pair of soft lips crashing into mine. I hesitated at first but i closed my eyes. I could tell he liked it too, i could feel him smiling

So what did you think? Comment and vote so i know if you like it or not. And it will turn into a shawn mendes fanfic just be patient thank you baii. ✌stay weird✌

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