Hearth's Warming

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Screwball: We're hunting presents 

Screwball held the binoculars to her swirly eyes as she, Apple Jewel, Gemstone, and Cotton Candy were hiding in the dining hall, which was near the Hearth's Warming tree that was in their Everfree Castle 

Screwball: Target sighted 

She spotted the presents under the tree 

Screwball: Now on my signal, we move in three------- 

Sprinkle Pie: ONE 

She jumped out and ran toward the presents, she was about to land on them until the presents disappeared in a flash 

Sprinkle Pie: Oof 

She looked around 

Sprinkle Pie: Hey, what happened to all the presents 

There was chuckling and the parents came in the room 

Cheese Sandwich: You know the rule, Sprinkle 

Applejack: And that goes for all of ya 

The kids came out from their hiding spot and groaned 

Gemstone: Why do we have to wait until Hearth's Warming 

Rarity: It's a tradition that goes back a thousand years 

Screwball with pleading eyes: Where did you send the presents, Daddy 

Discord started: Well 

But his wife gave him a warning glare and then he smirked at their daughter 

Discord: Nice try, but you're just going to have to wait 

She groaned 

Rainbow Dash then whooshed in: What's taking you guys so long, the sleigh's all ready 

She whooshed back out 

Rarity: Wonderful 

She led her family out, they got out to the front of the snowy castle to see a sleigh large enough to fit them all while two pairs of guards were attached to the sleigh to pull it, shortly after they were all in, it started moving, Fluttershy, who was up front with her husband, spoke 

Fluttershy: I can't wait to see Twilight again 

Pinkie Pie: I know, it's been four whole months since we last saw her 

Hurricane: At least Uncle Flash, Shining Shield, and Twinkle Star were able to come stay with us a few times 

Gemstone: I can't wait to see Star 

Unbeknownst to them, Discord had snapped his tail and a nearby tree branch suddenly had mistletoe on it, and they were about to go underneath it 

Discord: Heads up, mistletoe straight ahead 

Then he twitched his eyebrow at his beloved, who blushed but giggled, all of the other couples glanced at each other and then right as they were going under the mistletoe, they all started kissing, the kids glanced at who they were sitting next to, such as Screwball and Hurricane were near each other, but once they realized what the mistletoe was for, they gagged at the thought 


While half of the royal family was a sleigh ride away, Queen Twilight Sparkle of Canterlot started fretting in her throne room that not every one of her family members was going to be here, Flash saw his wife pacing the floor as he sat in what was the previous king's throne, the previous king was Twilight's father, King Sombra, Flash kept watching her as did their children, who were also in the room 

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