Chapter 7

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    “Dad!?” Fundy shouted as he stared in shock. The said man looked over to him in embarrassment, trying to free himself from the Manburg president’s grasp.
    “What’s going on?” The fox hybrid asked, trying to comprehend what he was seeing. The person beside him, Tubbo, was in a similar situation. His expression was eerily identical to the face he had made towards Wilbur’s traumatising “snack”. Wilbur would have laughed if not for the current situation.

    Schlatt moved away from the omega, careful to keep him at arms length in case he tried to escape again. Fundy found some sense of reason and stepped into the room as if travelling through a new dimension. No one knew what to say, and so there was no answer given. Fundy felt like he probably didn’t want the answer anyways.
    After several very long, very awkward minutes, Wilbur thought of a decent way to start the conversation. He looked his son dead in the eyes as he stated, “Fundy, I have something I need to explain to you. In private.”

    After standing there for a few moments without moving, the young fox hybrid started picking up a familiar yet completely new scent in the room. Mentally face-palming, he discovered the source of the sweet cherry smell.

    Fundy nodded as he followed his dad out of the room, giving Schlatt a deadly look as he left. The ram hybrid was still trying to process the fact that the boy had called Wilbur ‘Dad’. Schlatt was hardly able to take note of the death stare.

    When the two were in private and the door was closed, Fundy broke the silence, “Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant? I’m your son, I think I deserve to know that I’ll be gaining a younger sibling soon,” the younger stared at his father with a questioning look.

Wilbur was silent for a second, but when he opened his mouth the words were cut off by Fundy once again speaking, “And why with Schlatt of all people!? I get it, you two had chemistry but still.”

    After a moment of being stunned into silence, Wilbur regained his remaining sanity. He closed his gaping mouth and leaned back into the chair he was sitting on. Fundy stayed upright, waiting for his father to explain. Sighing, Wilbur readjusted himself.
    “Well, that saves me a lot of time. And I actually brought you in here to tell you that exact thing.”
    “Figures.” Fundy huffed. Crossing his arms, he looked down at the ground in a pout. The parental instincts in Wilbur shot up as he noticed the fox had large bags under his eyes from not sleeping enough. He stood quickly, walking over to his son with concern. Kneeling down to meet his gaze, he placed a hand lightly on Fundy’s knee.
    “Fundy, are you doing okay? You’re clearly not sleeping much.”
    The boy looked away, trying to turn his head to hide the dark circles under his eyes, but it was too late. Wilbur cupped Fundy’s chin, making him face him.

    “Champion, what’s wrong?”

    Fundy couldn’t help but smile for a second at the old nickname. He dropped it quickly when he realised what he had just done. Wilbur didn’t move a muscle, knowing Fundy would talk when he was ready. After a minute or two, the younger gave up on waiting out the infinite patience of a worried father.
    “It’s just been hard without you and Tommy here. I’ve been left alone for so long I’m scared to meet my own sibling. It’s going to be hard to be a part of a family again.”

    Wilbur nodded in understanding, feeling the need to pull his son into a hug. Fundy didn’t fight it, comforted in the presence of his father. Suddenly, Wilbur pulled back in realisation. He glared at Fundy warily.
    “Fundy, how long have you been wearing that binder for?”
    The boy in question laughed lightly before trying to change the subject. He shrugged as he asked, “Good question. I have another one. How far along are you?”
    Wilbur held up an index finger, waving it back and forth a bit as he scolded, “No no no. You don’t get to change the subject. How long?”
    Fundy sighed and held up three fingers. Wilbur raised an eyebrow.
    “3 hours?” He asked suspiciously.
    Fundy shook his head.
    “Days!?” A nod. Wilbur pulled on Fundy’s arm, gesturing for him to remove the restrictive device. Fundy shook his head in defiance. Wilbur crossed his arms, starting a low growl in his chest.

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