Chapter 31

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(a/n:Thanks to onewithwinter and Levi-Exe for helping with the ending.)

(Levi's POV)

When we got back home we we're all shocked to see a moving van outside Eren's house.

"Why is there a moving van in front of your house?" I asked and looked at Eren.

"Maybe Eren's parents decided to move some stuff early so they wouldn't have to move everything at once." Mikasa said pulling in our driveway.

"Let's go see." I opened my door and got out. When Eren didn't follow my action I looked back at him still buckled in his seat. "Oi, let's at least talk to them before we panic okay."

That seemed to snap him back to reality. He got out of the car and we made our way to his parents. Mikasa waved to them and went in the house.

"Hello sweetie, your home a little late." Eren's mom said.

"Sorry we had some issues we needed to sort out, what's going on?"

"The company called they need me to be there by tomorrow." Eren's dad said, he sounded stressed.

"Does that mean Eren's going with you?" I asked monotonously.

His parents looked at each other than looked at Eren.

"But the month isn't up yet, you can't just give me a chance to stay with Levi then take it away!"

"Calm down Eren, we haven't made that decision yet." Eren's dad said.

"So I can stay?" Eren asked with the most hopeful expression.

"That depends, where would you be staying? You can't stay at home and you haven't worked long enough to rent somewhere." Eren's dad spoke again.

"He could stay with me and Mikasa for now until we can get a place of our own." I answered for him.

"That's a great idea, this way at least we know he'll be safe." Eren's mom points out.

"I don't know, the last time we left him there they went to that party and drank alcohol."

"I didn't drink that much because Levi kept taking my drinks and chugging them down and its not like I'll be doing that again."

"I just don't know your still to young to live on your own."

"But I won't be on my own, I'll have Levi, Mikasa, Hanji, and Erwin."

His parents looked at each other then back at us.

"Alright you can stay, but if you screw up just once you'll be moving to Germany, got it."

Eren hugged both his parents out of pure happiness.

"Go pack your things, then you can help us with everything for us to move." Eren's mom laughed hugging her son back.

We went inside Eren's use to be house, it was already pretty much empty except for some furniture and boxes that have yet to be taken out.

We went upstairs to Eren's room, gathering everything he needed and putting them in empty boxes that we found in his room.

When we got that and moved his boxes over next door, (Mikasa didn't even question it) we helped Eren's parents load the rest of the there stuff in the van.

After one last teary goodbye (Eren and his mom were crying) his parents left and we went to our house.

(a/n: Alright finished again, I'm sorry if I bothered anyone by doing this but it was really bugging me how it was before. Thanks for the votes, comments, and encouragement it makes me happy to hear from you guys. Thanks for reading.)

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