Chapter 5

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(Levi's POV: It's a few weeks after they started dating and Hanji and Erwin are visiting.)

Eren and I were on the couch and Uncle Eyebrows is sitting in the chair next to us. The girls were in the kitchen gossiping or some shit, I didn't really care to find out for sure.

"So, how have you two been?"

"Good." I answered simply.

Erwin nodded. "How about you Eren?"


"That's good."

"How's it going in here?" Hanji burst in the room.

"It was quiet until you came in here."

"Oh Levi." she giggled." We made snacks for everyone.

"Thanks Hanji, they look delicious." Erwin said and grabbed one of the many snacks.

Eren took one too but I passed.

"So Mikasa and Carla said you two finally got together."

"Sort of, we're together but we haven't gone out on an actual date, so I can't really say we're going out yet." Eren answered lightly blushing.

"Mikasa wont let us out of her sight long enough to go out on one." I added.

Just then the house phone rang, Mikasa came in the living room shortly after. She sat on the other side of Eren without saying a word.

"What's going on?" Eren asked.

Mikasa shook her head and we waited in silence until Eren's mom walked out of the kitchen, tears and a smile on her face.

"What's wrong mom?" Eren got up and walked to her.

"Your father, he's finally coming home."

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