chapter 1

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My English/grammar/spelling is not the best

My stories are just fun goofs


Lucifer and god didn't get along that was true. The hate for one another was more powerful as themselves. But they had one thing they shared, well one thing they agreed on. 

And that was dragons. Two. Yin and yang, Heaven and hell, death and light. The only two dragons to ever exist. They were known as the guardians of the gate. The giant light in the sky of hell that leads to heaven.

They guarded the gate no one in and no one out that was their calling that was their law. The protectors of hell's uprise and heaven's power.

And they had nothing to fear, they were the keeps of all of heaven and hell a single beings of their kind the only. They had nothing to fear because not one could harm them nothing could stand against them.

Nothing but their makers.

The two dragons are guarded the worlds where known as m/n and Theia. The two always seen floating by the gate. There scales shinning, wings making giant gusts of wind. Both with e/c eyes that pierce the soul.

Beautiful, dangerous, powerful.

That was them. The dragons. The protestors. The gate keeps. The higher beings. Above any over lord or prince. Nothing could take them down.

Except their creators.

Everything was perfect, peaceful, calm, as much as it could be in hell. Into the gate opened. From the other side. Ready to word off any angel the dragons glared at the gate as it opened. Only to see the glowing silhouette of a man. No not a man. God. With his hand pointed to Theia. The yang of the two. She was the true Heaven. Unlike the yin who was as hellish as Lucifer.

With his finger extended the dragons eye widened and she let out a painful roar, as her chest burst open and her heart came floating out. God never showed anything but his hand, made it into a fist as the heart exploded. And she fell crashing to hells floor below.

God going to point his hand at the last dragon. They only one left was stopped. By Lucifer himself. It took no genius to tell there was going to be a war right then and there. M/n lowering himself to stand in front of Lucifer's feet with a deep grown got ready for his fate. Death.

No one goes into detail that day. But the gate was closed forever. Now nothing but a small dot in the sky. God never returned himself. And m/n was left with broken heart and a nasty scar over his face. That almost nearly blinded his right eye.

M/n to lucifer, gave a gift to him all he had left of his beloved, his twin boys and then he left and was never seen again.

It wasn't long till he wasn't much known anymore. Of course he still was. But the new comers never understood why he was so feared. But if you were there that day and you saw the beast that that..thing really was you would understand. And you would be glade he was gone.


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