Chapter 1.

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Aurora POV.

My name's Aurora and I'm a housewife my husband's a blacksmith.

I've lived a peaceful life I finish making my apple pie and I smile.

I hear my husband coming in and I smile and face him he has a tired look.

Aurora“ I finished your pie love.

He smiles until the door gets kicked down and it's the royal guards.

Guard“ Mr Young you are being sentence to execution.

The guards grab my husband and I try to stop it but I get backhanded by the guards and they take me.

*In the castle*

I get pushed down and I move to my husband and check his battered face and his chest having a gash.

We hear the door open and I feel eyes on me I look and see a man I was all to familiar with.

Aurora“ Finn?

Finn“ *shocked* Aurora?

We hear turn to the door and I see a woman I've known sense childhood.

Aurora“ Ravenna.

Ravenna“ *stares* Guards take the woman to the dungeon she should be spared of seeing her husband die.

I get grabbed and start being dragged away, I scream for my husband he gives me one last tearful smile the throne room doors close.

I get dragged into the dungeon and I get shoved into the cell and they close it.


*Hours later*

I hear my cell door open and I see Finn.

Finn“ Hello Aurora.

I see him holding my husband's ring I start crying as he tosses it at my feet.

Finn“ The Queen requests your audience.

I pick up the ring and follow him we enter the throne room and I see Ravenna.

Aurora“ *sniffs*.

Ravenna takes a bite out of an apple and looks my way with a cold stare and looks at my stomach.

Ravenna“ You've aged well.

Aurora“ And your a Queen.

Ravenna“ *chuckles* Yes I am.

I look on the floor seeing dried up blood.

Aurora“ What do you want from me?

Ravenna“ Can't we catch up as friends?

Aurora“ First explain what my husband did!? HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!

Ravenna“ *glares* Don't raise your voice at me Aurora I won't hesitate to kill your child!

Aurora“ *shocked* Child?

I feel my stomach and I start smiling me and my husband have been trying for so long.

Aurora“ *cries* I'm gonna raise a child alone *glares* Because of you.

Ravenna“ He wouldn't have been a good father anyway.

What would she know her father wasn't around.

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