Aurora POV.
I'm sitting at the dinner table noticing the tension between Freya and her brother and sister.
Freya“ So I hear your about to become a mother if you'd like you can send it to my kingdom and I'll have it become a trained warrior.
Freya's words give me a chill and I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes out.
Freya“ And if you want to your more then welcome-.
Ravenna“ I don't think that's necessary.
I notice the sisters having a stare off I shrink in my seat and Finn gulps nervously.
Ravenna“ Why are you really here Freya you didn't write to me ever sense you left.
Freya“ Do I need an invitation to see my brother and sister and for a bonus the girl I shared my first kiss with.
Oh god I remember that day.
I slide down my seat even more seeing Ravennas glass cracking from her power.
It shatters and Finn flinches in fear and I stare in shock as Ravenna stands up.
Ravenna“ I believe your visit is going to come to an end now get out of my palace.
Freya glares and walks out the the palace.
Ravenna“ Finn leave I wanna talk to the mother to be.
Finn walks out and Ravenna walks towards I go to stand and run but she grabs the back of my neck, her sharp claw scratches my cheek and she makes me look at her.
Ravenna“ I am not sure I should just kill you and devour your child from your decaying corpse or just do something after finding out your first kiss was before marriage.
Aurora“ *gasping*.
Her eyes widen as she lets go and I begin coughing.
Ravenna POV.
I stare at Aurora her body shaking and gasping for air.
Ravenna“ Aurora I-.
She grabs a knife and swings it at me but I back away and I look into her eyes glowing purple.
Ravenna“ *shocked*.
I sense something growing inside of her is this the power of a destined?
Aurora“ *screams*.
She passes out and I look at the mirror.
Ravenna“ What power does she have?
Toxic Anger Love Prisoner.
RandomAurora was a childhood friend of Ravenna but they never saw eachother again Aurora lived her life in piece but then her home was invaded and she reunites with a woman who's changed.