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Yoongi grumbles as he tugs his shoes off and stretches his toes with a groan. God, could work life get any more exhausting? He places his shoes on the shoe racks and heads to their shared bedroom. As he walks down the passage, he hears the sound of Jungkook's giggles and squeals bounce off the walls and automatically a smile tugs at the corners of his lips.

The best part of his day was coming home to his two favourite boys. His baby, Jungkook and his love, Hoseok. As he enters their room, he feels his smile widen at the sight that greets his eyes. Hoseok lays beside Jungkook on his side as he plays peek-a-boo with the baby.

He places his palms over his face.

"Where's my baby bun?"

Jungkook babbles as though telling Hoseok he is right there and the older male pulls his palm away with a "there's my bunny!"

Jungkook squeals happily, kicking his legs and clapping his hands. Yoongi will never get enough of moments like these.

"Hey, babe," Yoongi greets and Hoseok flashes him his infamous sunshine smile.

"Bunny boy," Yoongi greets and Jungkook immediately raises his arms towards the older, babbling to be carried.

Yoongi laughs and goes to pick the baby when Hoseok slaps his hand away.

"Yeow, what was that for?" Yoongi yelps as Hoseok glares at him.

"You just came back from work. You're sweaty and dirty and you aren't touching our baby with those hands, now are you?"

"Oops," Yoongi pouts.

"Tell you what. Jungkookie needs a bath too. So- you know," Hoseok suggests.

Jungkook squeals loudly.

"Guess that's a yes," chuckles Yoongi.

To be continued

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