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The lukewarm water in the bathtub is upto Yoongi's abdomen when Hoseok walks in with the naked toddler.

"Ba ba ba," Jungkook babbles, leaning in Hoseok's arms towards Yoongi, eager to get in the bathtub with his father.

Yoongi chuckles as he extends his hands to scoop the boy out of Hoseok's arms and into his own, laughing when he lowers Jungkook into the bathtub to have him happily splash the water.

Hoseok places Jungkook's favourite rubber ducky in the tub and fondly watches Jungkook's expression light up as he grasps the duck in his hand, squealing happily when it makes a squeaky sound.

Yoongi holds the boy protectively in his arms, talking to the child as Hoseok shampoos both his babies' hair. He smiles mischievously as he lathers Yoongi's hair and styles it like a unicorn's horn.

He laughs when Yoongi turns to face him, hair sticking up ridiculously.

"You're evil," Yoongi rolls his eyes and says.

Hoseok repeats his actions on Jungkook's hair, making it look like a shark's fin. Gosh, he's so freaking adorable that Hoseok can't resist smothering the baby's cheeks with kisses.

"Goodness, Hobi! Let the baby breathe," Yoongi laughs.

Jungkook's giggles echo in the bathroom. He happily slaps the duck against the water, enjoying the way it caused water to splash on his two dads. Hoseok gasps and flinches when the water hit him.

"Haha, serves you right," Yoongi chuckles and Hoseok pouts.

Jungkook babbles and shoves his rubber duck in Yoongi's face.

"Yes yes, ducky is clean now," says Yoongi with a gummy smile.

It's a minute later, that Hoseok wraps Jungkook in a white fluffy towel and carries him out of the tub while Yoongi takes a while to scrub himself clean. When he enters the bedroom, Jungkook has his fist in his mouth, gurgling joyfully.

Yoongi wipes his hair dry and chucks the towel in the laundry basket before he pulls Jungkook's fist out of his mouth and proceeds to blow raspberries onto his tummy. The baby squeals, feet weakly kicking Yoongi in the face. Hoseok slides in bed beside his two babies and leans forward to press his lips against Yoongi's.

It's little moments like these that Yoongi lives for. Little moments he'll imprint in his memory and hold them forever.

The end

Rubber Ducky // Sope [✓]Where stories live. Discover now