Chapter 1-I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you...

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It took everything in me not to scream. My teeth were clenched together so hard that it hurt. I hadn't seen this coming, but then again who could really see their death.

 Oh god, I'm gonna to die, I thought panicked. I sucked in a deep breath, already on the verge of hyperventilating.  A sharp warning look was aimed my way and the scream that was about to tumble out of my mouth quickly turned into a whimper of despair.

Just ten minutes ago I had been in my room getting ready for bed. I had an early day tomorrow with the track competition coming up and I needed all the energy I could get. But that all seemed like a distant memory, and sleep was the farthest thing from my mind. I'd have thought it was all a nightmare if it wasn't for the aching pain in my stomach curtsy of Mother Nature. It was that or fear, but either way my stomach was hurting like a bitch. That mixed in with the guy in my room who was currently pointing a gun at me caused for some serious P.M.S. Seriously I was beyond pissed, and scared, but mostly pissed.

It had happened so fast, the attack I mean. One minute I was brushing my hair and the next thing I know some man, with a serious need of a dentist, had barged in yelling for me to sit on my bed and not to make a sound. So here I was sitting on my bed trying not to make a sound while the guy with yellow crooked teeth stood in front of my only escape route. He was glaring at me so hard I was just seconds away from telling him that his face would freeze that way. I always had a knack of saying the wrong thing at the most inappropriate time. But since at the moment my life was on the line, I smartly refrained from voicing these thoughts out loud.

Come on Skylar think, I berated myself, what would James Bond do in this situation. And then suddenly I had an idea, it was risky but it worked in the movies. Shifting around I look at the guy with a pleading look, "I need to use the bathroom." I held in a proud smile at my performance, I was a genius. Maybe I should consider acting as a career. It would be awesome and I've alwa-

"No," He growled interrupting my thoughts,"Piss your pants for all I care."

 Well that back fired, what was I supposed to do now? If I was in a movie I would probably be coming up with a plan B right now. But to me and my bladders dismay, I wasn't acting when I said I needed the bathroom and I had no other brilliant ideas. Just as my panic level had reached a point where I couldn't hold it in anymore, the door to my room burst open taking crooked teeth down with it. To my disappointment he stood up quickly and faced the person who just stormed in. From my vantage point I couldn't really tell who it was, but I didn't really care because he was kicking crooked teethes ass. With one last blow to the head crooked teeth fell to the floor, not moving. I stood up quickly and then gasped surprised as I saw my savior.

"Dad?" I whispered shocked as he ran over and gave me a suffocating hug.

He pulled away slightly worriedly looking over my face, "Are you okay honey, did he hurt you? If he did just tell me and I'll kill him." I didn't say anything, I couldn't. I was still reeling from the shock of what just happened.

"I'm okay dad," I choked out, "He never hurt me." He relaxed slightly then tensed as if he thought of something else. He took my arm and started to drag me out the door.

"We have to hurry Sky, before the others come," He explained as he rushed me down the hall then to the stairs.

Others? Looking around terrified, it felt that every shadow was moments away from jumping out and attacking us.



My question was answered when I noticed three bodies sprawled around the living room. Before I could react my dad pulled me down into the basement. To my confusion he pulled us into the small closet that we fill with extra bed sheets and towels. Pushing everything away he revealed a hidden door, pushed it open and shoved me gently inside. I was suddenly thinking of Narnia and I shook my head quickly, there I go again with the wrong thing at the wrong time.

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