Chapter 2- Like a freaking James Bond movie

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Like A Freaking James Bond Movie

Ever since I could remember, it's always been just me and my dad. My earliest childhood memory was of him teaching me how to fight and shoot a gun. He used to always tell me that it was important to know how to protect myself. I never understood why, I just assumed that he was being overprotective. I see now that I was wrong. I see now that it wasn't just fatherly paranoia, no it was because he was a spy.

 I pinch myself again, yep not dreaming.

 "Damn", I whisper under my breath earning me another weird look from my driver. I sigh defeated; it's official no matter how many red spots I put on my arm I'm never waking up from this very real nightmare.

  I look out the window as the scenery races by, my dad was right, this place really was beautiful. From the brief description he had given me, this town was one of the top places people go for an outdoor experience. It's perfect for me, I love the outdoors and nature; logically I should be excited, logically I should already be making plans to go hiking or biking or something. But all I can think about is why I'm here in the first place. All these unanswered questions swirling around in my head.

"So, how much longer until we're there," I ask and turned to the driver, trying to block out the constant buzzing in my head.

 He glances briefly at me and turns back to the road. "We will reach our destination momentarily Ms. Anderson," he replies in a monotone voice.

 I go back to looking out the window. I wonder if he always talks in that emotionless voice, everyone around him would be lulled instantly to sleep, I knew I would.

 "No, Ms. Anderson I do not always talk like this, it's just part of the job."

 Startled I glance over at the driver who was currently looking at me in amusement. Oh, crap did I just say that out loud I thought to myself, my mouth gaping open.

"Yes, you did Ms. Anderson," The driver say's a small smile evident on his face.

 My cheeks flush in embarrassment, god I'm such an idiot. "I'm so sorry!" I choke out when I finally find my voice. "I do that sometimes when I haven't had enough sleep, I didn't really mean what I said!" My hand was just twitching to slap my forehead, but I refuse to let it move the driver already thinks I'm a freak. He'd probably send me to a mental institution.

"It's okay Ms. Anderson," He tells me. "You can sleep if you like; we still have 30 minutes until we reach our destination."

 I sigh in relief; thank god he's not making a bigger deal over this. My lids suddenly felt heavy as if they just realized that I haven't slept since my dad told me about his double life. Finally giving in I let myself drift off into a peaceful world where I can forget all my problems, maybe this time I'll wake up and realize it was all a dream.

** ** ** ** **

  I jolt awake at the sound of a door slamming shut. Sitting up slowly, I look around trying to get my barring.

Damn it I'm still in this god forsaken car. Glaring, I shove the door open and step out. Taking my frustration and anger out on the poor car door I slam it shut as hard as I could.

"Ms. Anderson, good you are awake," A voice says behind me.

Startled and still half asleep, I jump and then turn at the unexpected voice. Unfortunately for me I'm not the most coordinated person, in fact people might say I'm clumsy. So of course my feet just had to get tangled up together and of course I just had to trip over them falling face first into something brown and squishy. And that is how I came to meet my aunt for the first time drenched from head to toe in mud and smelling like a dog had just taken a shit on me.

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