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(A/N: please go to my Ao3 since i don't post on here, 

"Yuki: Hey K. What's your favourite flower?"

The notification popped up on Kanade's computer monitor.

"K: Carnations, specifically white ones, why do you ask?"
"Yuki: No reason. Thank you"

Kanade didn't really take any notice of it, it probably wasn't important anyways, I mean, why did she need to know her favourite type of flower? Again, it probably wasn't important, so the silver haired girl went back to composing her newest song for her group.

The following day, Kanade was awoken by knocking on her front door. She heard her part-time housekeeper, Honami, opening the door and having a short conversation with someone. Their voice was low, yet they spoke in a fashion that you'd hear if you were talking with someone who wrote top notch essays in a way.

Oh, that's right. The honour's student. Her composing partner. Her best friend.
Her crush.

Kanade's mind went blank for a moment. She didn't realise it up until now but, every time she talked with Mafuyu she felt, strange. Like she was, interacting with an angel, some sort of perfect being. She admired Mafuyu in a way that couldn't be described easily. A warm feeling, a feeling of safety. Maybe the word she was looking for,

was Love.

"Erm, Miss Yoisaki?" A timid voice interrupted her train of thoughts. The girl looked up to see her housekeeper, the one previously talking to someone at her front door, peeking through the crack in her door and she seemed to be holding something. "Ah sorry Mochizuki, you can enter".

As soon as the brown haired girl stepped in, Kanade was caught off guar by something she was holding in her hands. It was a bouquet of flowers, but not just any flowers. White Carnations, her favourite. "A-Ah, yes the bouquet was dropped off by Asahina-Senpai, you know the honour's student?" Kanade's eyes widened a bit. "Yes, we talk quite often actually, more than you'd think." She replied with a smile, she could feel her cheeks getting warm. Honami gave her a sheepish smile as she handed the bouquet over to Kanade. As she was examining the flowers, something caught her eye. A note on the paper the flowers were wrapped in.

"Meet me in SEKAI tonight, I need to tell you something important. Just us two.
- Mafuyu".

Just.. the two of them?
Alone together?
Kanade felt herself growing warmer. The though of her and her composing partner alone together made her feel odd. It was a nice feeling, perhaps, yet still odd. It was an unfamiliar sensation, but she always felt it around Mafuyu.

The SEKAI was empty when Kanade had stepped in, it was just her, and her bouquet of flowers from Mafuyu. Their fragrant aroma was oddly comforting to the silver haired girl. She couldn't tell if it was the fact it was her favourite flower, or that it was a gift from Mafuyu. As she overlooked the bouquet, a voice called out.


She turned around and saw her friend, Yuki, or Mafuyu. She wasn't sure which one to use, but seeing how she called her by her last name maybe she should call her Asahina? Maybe that was a stretch, maybe she was just overthinking things, maybe-

"I need to tell you something, something that needed to be discussed in person. It wouldn't have been the same over text."

Her heart skipped a beat.
Kanade motioned for Mafuyu to sit down next to her, the violet haired girl got the message and sat down next to her. Kanade grew warm again, it was that same feeling again.

"What did you need to tell me, Yuki?"
"Please, just call me Mafuyu in person."
"Ah, alright Mafuyu." Well that answered her question from earlier.

"Well going on from where I started, I need to tell you something important, it's just it's." she stopped. The silence that seemed to last for years was broken by Kanade putting her hand on Mafuyu's as she gave her a reassuring smile. She could have sworn that Mafuyu's cheeks turned a light shade of pink in that moment. "Thank you, Kanade." She said, and Kanade noticed she gave her a faint smile. Her cheeks grew hot. Mafuyu sighed softly before starting to speak again.

"Kanade, whenever I talk to you I feel a sort of comfort, it's not like when I talk to our other members like Shinonome or Akiyama. You bring me a feeling of safety, whenever we speak it feels as if I feel less empty, as if I still have a reason to still exist. I think you might just be one of the only good things that has happened to me during my life and I just wanted to thank you for that. I'm not sure of the sense I feel when I'm around you, but I think what it is, is that." she paused for a moment.

"I think, that I'm in love with you Kanade Yoisaki."

Kanade's eyes widened. Was this a dream? There's no possible way someone as pretty, smart and kinda as Mafuyu would like her right?

As blue eyes met purple ones, Kanade gave the other girl a soft smile. Gently, Kanade cupped the taller girl's cheeks, and for a second she could have sworn she saw life in Mafuyu's eyes for the first time in ages. Slowly, they both filled the space between them as their lips met. The kiss was gentle and soft, but it was passionate and breathtaking. As the two pulled away, Kanade responded softly.

"I love you too, Mafuyu".

A/N: I've never wrote stuff like this, it's really bad lmao. Hope you enjoyed it anyways. :)

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