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Jongseong and Jungwon got into a fight over something.

And Jungwon is sleeping in there shared bedroom, after throwing Jongseong out of the room.

So the older male had no choice but to sleep on the uncomfortable couch.

"I'm not going to let him in"

Mumbled the brown haired, as he stared at the ceiling while whining after his fresh batch of tears.

"He didn't even ask me to let him sleep in here"

Mumbled the boy once more as he gently closing his eye lids shut.

"He just took his pillow and left"

Spoke out the boy with a snifle.

Jungwon was startled when he heard a  clap of thunder.

"Is it raining?"

Question out the male, as he opened the window to check if his thoughts were correct.

And suddenly a light came and black out, and soon after being followed by a loud clap of thunder.


The male quickly closed the window and covered his ears, as he was always scared of loud noises like thunder or fireworks.

"I was almost roasted"

Spoke out Jungwon.

Another rumble was heard making Jungwon jump on his bed and covered himself in the blanket.

He was wiggled himself close to the wall for comfort.


Jungwon thought.

How he wished Jongseong was here to comfort him, and to assure him that he was safe.

Just then Jungwon felt strong arms wrap around him from behind.

Jungwon gasped by the sudden contact, but soon he turned around and hugged the older.

"Shh, I'm here now"

Jongseong spoke in an assuring manner, as he rubbed circles on the younger males back.

The gesture always comforts Jungwon, no matter what the situation is.


Mumbled Jungwon.

"I know ..... I know..... your scared of loud noises"

Spoke the older in a soft voice.

"That's why I came"

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