Anything for Him ~ Minsung

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It was Minho's first Christmas with Jisung and he was feeling the pressure of having things perfect for his precious boyfriend. He knew how much Jisung loved Christmas, but he himself wasn't exactly the romantic type. He was used to keeping things simple with a tiny, tabletop tree; a plain, fresh wreath on the door; and a few festive-scented candles for the dining table. He knew it wouldn't be nearly enough to please Jisung the way he wanted and he was beginning to get desperate.

It was Christmas Eve morning and Jisung was busy at the studio with Chan and Changbin, as he usually was on weekends, regardless of holidays. Minho knew he wouldn't be over until closer to dinner time, but it still wasn't much time to prepare everything. Not to mention, he had no idea where to even begin.

The only thing he knew he could do well on his own was dinner. He planned to whip up some holiday favorites that he knew Jisung loved. But a holiday dinner was nothing without desserts, mainly cookies. It wasn't something he had ever tried to make before, but he knew exactly who could help.

"Felix!" Minho shouted when the freckled angel answered the phone. "I need your help...please."

"Hey, Minho-hyung. What do you need?" Felix responded without hesitation.

"Jisung is coming over tonight and I want to bake a bunch of Christmas cookies. The ones with icing and also gingerbread men and the little peanut butter ones with the chocolate kiss on top." Minho was speaking a mile a minute. "I have no idea how to make any of it. You're an expert though. Can you help me out?"

"Of course, hyung. That's such a cute idea." You could practically hear the boy smiling brightly through the phone. "I'll be right over."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Minho squawked before hanging up.

While he waited for Felix, he wandered throughout the house looking around at his rather lame display of decorations. He knew it would never do. Jisung would be expecting colorful lights, a big tree, stockings, and all the Christmas knickknacks. It needed to be festive but also romantic. He knew he needed to make another phone call.

"Hyunjin-ah!" Minho shouted as soon as he heard his voice.

"Hyung, what's going on?" Hyunjin replied with a laugh.

Minho explained how he wanted to decorate his house for Christmas to impress Jisung. He didn't have any of his own decorations, so he sent Hyunjin some money and asked him to go buy whatever he thought would look nice, then come over and help him decorate.

"Leave it to me," Hyunjin happily agreed. Jisung was his best friend and knew just how much he adored the holiday. He also knew Minho would be helpless without him if he wanted things to have a romantic atmosphere.

Soon Felix arrived and the two of them got started on the variety of Christmas cookies. The house smelled amazing in no time. After a few batches were complete, Hyunjin arrived with bags and bags of decorations, as well as a full-sized faux Christmas tree that came already strung with lights that changed colors.

After Felix finished up the cookies, he joined Minho and Hyunjin in decorating the whole house. It was a tremendous project, but with the three of them working together, it looked perfect in no time.

The tree blinked with bright colored lights and was filled with bobbles and bangles and all sorts of cute ornaments. There was even a tree skirt underneath that looked as if Santa had laid down his own red, velvet coat. Minho couldn't wait to fill the space with presents for Jisung.

The dining table now had a festive, but tasteful cloth spread across it, and Hyunjin added a wreath to set the candles into. He strung garland around the staircase banister and placed a big red bow at the end. He even took the wreath from the door and added a few details to spruce it up a bit.

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