A Song for Christmas ~ Seungbin

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Christmas was a week away and the guys were all busy preparing the perfect gifts for each other. But while everyone else was out buying jewelry and clothes and gadgets, Seungmin was stressing over what to get for his crush.

The gift couldn't just be some meaningless item. He wanted it to be a way to confess, and a pair of shoes or the latest smartwatch definitely did not scream "I have feelings for you". It had to be extra special.

After wracking his brain all weekend, he decided to take a break and relax with some music. He laid on his bed, put on his headphones, and closed his eyes as he turned on his favorite playlist. While he quietly sang along to a romantic ballad, the idea suddenly struck him. He jolted up and nearly ran out his door to head to Chan's room.

"Hey, Chan! Channie-hyung!" He shouted as he burst through the door.

Chan popped his head up and pulled his headphones down, letting them hang around his neck. He looked at Seungmin wide-eyed as he wondered what all the excitement was about.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to bother you," Seungmin apologized with a bashful smile.

"No worries," Chan laughed. "You seem excited about something. What's up?"

Suddenly Seungmin felt embarrassed to explain his idea. He was sure Chan knew about his crush, but the fact was that he never actually openly talked about it. Chan just had a way of knowing things sometimes.

"Seungmin?" Chan questioned when he noticed his frozen state.

"I...I need your help with something," he finally admitted.

"Of course. What is it?"

Seungmin sat down and Chan turned to give him his full attention.

"I want to write a song. A special song." Seungmin put his knees together and stared down at his lap. He hadn't expected this to be so difficult already.

"Okay, sure. Do you have a theme? Or can you tell me what the song is going to be for?" Chan knew all the right questions to ask and the truth was that he was always excited to work on something new.

"Yes...I want it to be...a confession of love," Seungmin finally explained.

"Ah, I see." A smile crept across Chan's face, his eyes becoming little slits as his expression grew.

"Hyuuuung," Seungmin groaned. "Please, I'm already embarrassed asking for your help."

"Alright, alright," Chan said with a chuckle. "Don't be embarrassed. I'm sure whatever we come up with, Changbin will love it."

Seungmin's eyes widened and his face instantly turned rosy. Even though he expected that Chan probably knew, hearing it said out loud completely caught him off guard.

"Don't worry, okay?" Chan reassured him with a gentle pat on the knee and received a small smile in return. "So, have you come up with anything at all yet?"

"No. I actually just thought of the idea a few minutes ago and came right to you."

"Oh. Well, that's fine. We can start from scratch then," Chan said confidently. "I have a few nice melodies on my laptop that might work. Let's start by listening to those."

Seungmin nodded happily and Chan began searching his computer for the tracks he had created. They listened to each one, but nothing seemed to inspire Seungmin. He was waiting for something to "click" and it just wasn't there.

"Hyung, I think maybe I need to come up with my own melody. I'm just not sure if I have enough time." Seungmin frowned and looked down at his lap again.

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