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In Bible's Kingdom...

Bible father knew about what his son did so he comes to him and slapped him hardly and which makes Bible fell down on the floor..nodt Just standing beside his father looking at bible while folding his hands...

B/f: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE HUH ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND OR WHAT...TORTURE HIM IN MY HOUSE IN FRONT OF EVERYONE.... I heard that man...mile almost kills you........i hope he did... because you always failed never makes me proud will you?.. fucking one is cruel in our family... THEN HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU TURNED INTO A CRUEL MAN BIBLE....such an ungrateful brat...... remember know your fucking limits and you better stay in your limits or else.. you will definitely face a severe consequences in your life.... I've never raised you like this but you turned like an fucking asshole... what a better change before I die or won't have rights to touch or see my dead body after i dead.. fucking remember it

His father snarled at him angrily and left from there... bible just sitting on the floor with expressionless face... he can't believe his father will talk with him like that...

Nodt: Uncle calm down he will change--

B/f: when nodt when huh? After my death?...i tried my best to change him but ... I failed. And he keeps makes me failed... he's not worth to call him my son

Nodt: .......i will make him change uncle...i promise trust me

B/f: Hmm.....k i trust you nodt... plz try to change him

He said to nodt abe nodt smiled at him and nodded..

With mile apo's..

Apo has been didn't eat anything and feeling alone because mile is in his world and sorting things out there...and here mile gives responsibility to bas to take care of apo... he tried so hard to make apo eat but no use.....bas have no choice and tells mile through telepathy to come home....

Mile understood apo situation and decides to go house...

Soon mile reached home and ran to bedroom and sees apo who is lying down...

Mile: Po baby

Mile called apo softly and apo raised his head and looks at mile and starts crying...mile ran to him and hugged apo and saying soothing words in his ears..

Apo: p-phi i got sacred

Mile: About what baby?

Apo: about what happened to me

Mile: ohh baby see... I'm here now don't be scared k he won't hurt you anymore.... if he did.. then the next min he will die in my hands.. alright

Mile said while carassing his hair and apo nodded...mile kiseed his forehead..

Then bas takes plate of food to mile and mile starts feeding po...apo hungryly eats the food and mile got shocked..he understood apo had been starting himself

Mile: Baby have you been starving yourself?

Apo: umm.....y-yes

Mile: baby boy don't do it again k... look how hungry you are

Mile said and apo nodded his head while munching the food

Soon mile finished feeds apo and gives plate to bas...bas finally sighed in relief and leaves them alone...

Mile: K baby.. time to sleep

Apo: huh n-no no i won't sleep

Mile: Shh luv I'm not going anywhere...i promise

Mile said and lays back down and open arms for apo...apo slowly crawled into his arms and put his head on mile's chest while mile is carassing and patting po's head...

Mile: now close your eyes and sleep baby

Mile said and apo is still scared but he closed his eyes and try to sleep

After 2hs...

Apo haven't fully asleep. He keeps moving in mile arms... mile can sence apo is going to have a mile didn't sleep and kept observing apo....


As mile thinks apo is having his nightmare...mile Just closed his eyes but he heard apo is whimpering in his arms so mile immediately sits up and takes apo in his lap and patted his cheeks but apo didn't open his eyes...apo is crying while closing his eyes...soon the cry went harder and he starts sobbing.... mile wipes apo tears and shouts his name loudly to wake him that sound apo opened his eyes while panting... he sees mile and cried..mile embraced apo tightly and rubbed his back while rocking him back and forth..

Mile: Shh shh baby I'm here it's just a nightmare

Apo: h-he..kill m-me--

Apo chocked on sobs and grip his hands to mile strong biseceps...

Mile patted his head and lulled apo like a little baby until he fell asleep again...

After sometime apo fell asleep in mile arms... he see apo is sleeping on his chest while still gripping his hands to his biseps...he smiled little bit abe kissed his forehead and lays apo back down slowly and covered with blanket...he pecked po's lips and whispered

Mile: I promise my one gonna hurt you when your strong boyfriend is here with you

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