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Next day...

Bas taking job to his Home... job is nervous as hell..he already saw mile and his behaviour towards wolfs...bas is saying soothing words to job to calm him down...

Soon they reached and pressed the door bell.... apo opened door and looks at job


Bas: yes apo.. this is job

Apo: oh...come inside

Apo said and they both went inside

Apo: p'mile isn't home..he will be back soon.. you guy's sit down

Apo says and they both sits down on the sofa and waiting for mile to come Home...

After 15 mins mile came...

Mile: Baby I'm back--

Mile cutted his words by seeing job in front of him...apo heard mile voice and went to hall...job looks at mile and immediately stands up

Job: i-im job

Mile: hmm I know.... sit

Mile said and told job to sit down...job nodded and sits down and mile sits in front of bas and job

Mile: Soo... you're the one who bas loves huh

Job: y-yes

Mile: when did you saw bas first time?

Job: Haunted house ( remember the haunting House chapter?) ... That's where I saw him first

Mile: know vampire s and wolfs can't fall in love right?

Job: I know... but I can't help it but fell in love with him...

Mile: I saw his wound on bas stomach? You made it?

Job: y-yes... I'm really so sorry for what have I done to bas and....apo... I just lost my damn mind and try to kill your boy friend..

Mile: why? Why did you tried to kill apo?

Job: because his great grand father kills my great grand I thought I will take revenge for my great grand father... but I was wrong... it's nths apo's fault..he don't know anything... but I was being stupid and behaves like that... hope you forgive me p'mile...and about bas... I was wrong about him too... I thought he hate me like i hate vampires... I was wrong about this too...he don't hate Wolf's...and I don't hate vampires too... I was just wrong about them.... p'mile... I really Love bas So much.. I came here because just put a hope on you and accept my love on bas... I promise I won't hurt him and I will take care of him forever and ever....plz accept my love

Job said sincerely and mile listens everything what job fact mile don't didn't hate Wolf's too but only one reason he hates them and that's.. Wolf's kills mile family...this is the only reason why mile hates them

Mile thought for sometime what job said....

Mile: hmm k...i will accept you guy's love...but remember job.. if you hurt him ever... I won't hesitate to kill you understand?

Mile said with serious tone and job gulped and nodded his head vigorously...

Bas: thank you so much phi for accepting my love...

Mile: no problem as long as you happy with the person you love

Mile said bas smiled brightly...and job he feels like he's in heaven... finally mile accepted his love..

Skip to after one week...

Mile apo went to apo House to surprise apo mom and sister...

Nam: goodness boys...what a surprise... how are you both

Mile: we're good about you both?

Nam: we are good too mile... let's go and eat breakfast

Then they all went to kitchen and nam served breakfast to everyone and they all starts eating while talking happily...

After breakfast...

Mile saw nam and yok are talking something like secretly... that makes mile got suspicious about them...

Mile: Baby why is your mom and sister looking.... little nervous... what happened?

Apo: huh... nth phi...and don't think about them too much... they're good  na

Apo said smiled at mile... but mile is still suspicious about them...

What's with them suddenly?

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