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Her breathing rate was normal indicating that she's asleep. A small smile crept into my lips unconsciously, seeing the way she sleep in my arms. Cute. Her lips parted slightly, her tears dried slightly which only cause me to wipe it away with my thumb. I carry her in a bridal style and brought her to my room. I can't get in her room cause her room is locked. I smile at the thoughts that might run in her head. Don't worry, I would not invade your personal space ever.

I put her slowly on my bed and remove her combat boots carefully, not wanting to wake her up.  I sigh before stroking her head slowly. "Goodnight, petardo" I then slipped in beside her and cover us with the black silk blanket. I just hope she wouldn't cut my dick off tomorrow. What? I have back pain.


I groaned because I couldn't breathe properly. I opened my eyes and almost scream when I see Khai sleeping beside me with his arms wrapped around my waist and my head snuggle into his chest seeking the warmness. Immediately all the thoughts that happen last night came flooding in. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I remove his hands as slowly as fucking possible but that only resulted to him pulling me closer. His hands around my waist tighten protectively. My boobs smashed against his defined abs. He's slept without any shirt on and only a sweatpants which hung low on his waist. I breathed out inaudibly. I gotta get the fuck out or else I'll ended up fucking him.

I remove his hand yet again while biting my lip unconsciously. "Don't bite your lip, it's fucking tempting me" He said throwing me off guard. My eyes snapped up to see that he has his eyes on my eyes for a split second before it goes to my lip again and stays there. I cleared my throat as I feel the tension keeps getting higher. "I'll cut your hands if you don't removed them right now" I threatened him and expects him to mock me about last night instead he just remove his hands and stretched them. I don't want to talk about it too. It all felt like a dream.

Before I can even sit up the door abruptly open making me jump slightly and Khai reached for his gun at the nightstand while holding my hand in a firm grip. Aww, protective much yeah. "Fucker, can't you knock, I could have shoot you." Khai said while putting his gun back but still not removing his hold on my hand. I gulp. 

"I would rather die by you shooting me then a crazy woman who has been walking around holding a creepy knife to kill me. By the way, Q who's been chasing me and why's V on your bed?" Sean ask all in one breath before closing the door nervously. I can see the sweat dripping on his neck. "He fuck me and I thought I ask you to send he-" He cut me off before I can finish my words.

"Woah, his dick is in green color right? Yeah I did sedate her but she woke up earlier than I expected." I groaned loudly whole dropping myself on the bed. "Guess what? Both of us are fucked" I murmured. "What?" Sean frowned trying hard to understand me.

The door slammed open again making an inhuman scream escapes from Sean's lips. My head snapped towards him and he just shrugged. "I think we should have a talk, Vera Hernandez" Al speak, her voice is venomous and behind her stood Alessio who's just looking at her with adoration. I glare at Alessio and he mouthed me "She threatened to chop off my balls" 

"Who are you? My dad? or my mom? When I say don't fucking involve then don't." Everyone can sense the authority in my voice and I knew it. Like I said, she's not gonna get in this shit and I'll do anything for that to happen like literally anything. "Neither. You don't have a say in this. You're not the one who's paying us are you? correct me if I'm mistaken.  I'm over 18 and Al's over 18 so we don't need you to be our guardian. We are matured enough to take our own decision, so I kindly request for your understanding to stop pretending as if we are dumb." Q interrupted us and talk to me using her lawyer tone making me glare at her. The whole time she's talking there's only a slight smile playing on her lips telling me if I talk any shit again she's definitely whoop my ass. Poor Sean keep shivering the whole time she's in the room.

I smirk. "Bring it on" Deep down I know, I need them, I couldn't do any mission without them and I'll miss them. Part of me want to be selfish part of me just couldn't. "get your ass to my room we need to talk" Al said with a glare visible on her cute face. "Sean, let's have a small talk" Q said making Sean shake his head aggressively making me chuckle. "Go on Sean, She don't eat humans" I motivate Sean making him sigh and his face clearly said shouldn't have helped you bitch. "She'll kill instead." I said and making his head snapped towards me and I shrugged while getting down from Khai's bed. 

"We need to talk" Khai gripped my wrist making me wonder how many people are going to talk to me today. I haven't start my day yet I'm done for the day.

I sigh loudly and an uncomfortable feeling crept into me. I turned around to see all of the human eyes on my wrist under the hold of Khai. I furrowed my brows. Sean mouth went agape in incredulity, Al's eyes went wide that her eyeballs will fall out anytime soon, Q raised her brows so high in shock, Alessio just stare at the hand thing and Khai look at them like what the fuck wrong with them?  

"Are you guys together or something?" Alessio asked making Khai's brow furrowed even more. He look cute when he is clueless. "What?" He asked and Alessio just nod his head towards the wrist thingy. Khai look at that and look at Alessio back "What's with th-" He can't even finish that question before he retreats his hand so quickly and blush crept onto his cheeks. He's red as a tomato if that's possible even his ear are red. I bite my lips to contain my laughter. I can see Q's holding it too and adoration swirled in her eyes. Al just smile and stared with awe written all over her face. Alessio and Sean just smirk and slowly move out the room. 

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