A new parent, a new beginning!

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Note: I will be updating this slowly. Sorry reader-chan!
(Y/n)=Your name
(L/n)=Last name
(E/c)=eye color
(H/c)=Hair color
(F/b)=Favorite book
(F/f)=Favorite food
(A/n)=Author's note
(U pov)
"Hello? Anyone there?" You yelled. The forest was dark and gloomy. You were all alone, in this dark forest of "death." You had no one to look for you, love you, and care for you. "Anyone?" You asked, trembling with fear. Then a huge shadow landed in front of you, sending gusts of wind as it flapped its wings. Shrieking, you covered yourself for protection. "Don't be afraid little one. I'm not here to harm you." A deep voice said softly. Looking up, a dragon, the color of the setting sun breathed out a plume of flames. "W-Who are you?" You asked, frightened. "I am Volcanio Flame. Where is your family?" V.Flame asked, whipping his head. "I-I don't have one." You replied, standing up and walking toward the large dragon. He arched his neck, lowering it and sniffing you. "Come, I'll take you." V.Flame grunted, lashing his tail. "A-As a daughter?" Laughing, he coiled his tail around you, putting you on his back. "Yes little one. What is your name anyway?" Clinging the spiney ridges on his back, you said, "(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." V.Flame arched his neck so he could see you. "Very well (Y/n). Hold on. Your new life is about to begin. I will teach you a lost magic, a lost magic everyone will be surprised to see you own it!" V.Flame was with enthusiasm in his voice.

~Le time skip~
(Narrator POV)
"Fire Dragon Roar!!" A 6 year old girl yelled, trying out her magic for the tenth time. Her result were only a flick of a flame. "Hmm..Keep trying, but breath in more." A familiar voice said, more like a suggestion than a command. "Daad. Its hard!! I can't be a DragonSlayer!" (Y/n), the 6 year old whined, her (H/c) hair fell in her face. (Unless you have short hair, say a puff of smoke .3.) Volcanio Flame chuckled, patting (Y/n)'s head. Shuffling on his giant talons, he sat down. "(Y/n), I need to tell you someting. One day, I will leave you. I may not return, but don't forget I love you, alright?" V.Flame said softly, stroking (Y/n)'s head. "You always say that Dad! I will never forget it!" The small child grinned, hugging V.Flame's tail. "Of course, you never know when i might leave. The unexpected cannot be expected." (Y/n) giggled, standing up. "Now let me show you how to do the roar, yes?" V.Flame grinned. Nodding, (Y/n) got up and followed her father.

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