One last breath

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"Natsu! I told you not to go charging ahead of time!" A red headed girl said with a strict tome in her voice, and covered in armor. Natsu frowned, "Hey c'mon. I need a punch or so in my life instead fighting stripper over there. Anyways I can't let (Y/n) get hurt again." He said, and a guy who gave a dark glare at him, and growled, grabbing him by the scarf and speaking. "And who's that stripper flame brain?"
"You ice princess!"
"You really wanna go fire breath?"
"Any time stripper!"
"Guys! The demon's c-"
A blast got their attention as the demon roared and tried to attack (Y/n) and Natsu, but he held fast and jumped out of mercy's way.
"Hey Gray, Luce, Erza. A little help here!" Natsu said as the demon took another swipe at them. A blue cat that came after Natsu that looked like Linker grabbed him by the back and flew them out of the way.
"Linker..." (Y/n) said with pain.
"What's a Linker?" Natsu said, tilting his head. The blue cat gasped and told the Dragonslayer. "Maybe she means a friend Natsu! Or maybe another cat since I see one in the demon's hands. She's a Dragonslayer too!"
"Ya think so Happy? Wow." He said surprised. Natsu didn't know there was more Dragonslayer around besides himself, well of course he isn't the brightest guy around.
"Linker..!" (Y/N) groaned, trying to get out of Natsu's grasp. Natsu put down the small Dragonslayer on the floor softly, shaking his head. "Your to injured. Let me-"
"Let us take care of the job." Erza said, slapping Natsu on the back, knocking the breath out of him. He stumbled and gasped for breath, weezing. "Uh....A-A...O-..K..." Lucy just sweatdropped while Gray scanned the demon for weak spots. "I think we should attack it by the back, there's something glowing there." He called out to his team members. Erza looked at the demon, also seeing a faint purple light comming from the back of their enemy. It roared and charged at them with great steps, making the floor shake. It swiped at everyone with massive claws, trying to reach (Y/N) and Grey, who were the closest to it. Grabbing (Y/N) by the arm, Gray pulled (Y/N) back and a icy breeze were comming out of his hand.

"Ice maker canon!" A ice canon was laid on his shoulder, and a blast of ice shot out, freezing part of the demon. It snarled, showing all it's fangs, trying to get it's leg and arm out. Linker was unconscious, a pale streak of blood comming from his ear. Lucy smiled and grabbed one of her keys. "Open, gate of the golden bull; Taurus!" A golden aura surronded Lucy under her feet, and a brilliant bright light came out, with....Cow bells...? Taurus gave a harty "moo" and...looked at Lucy with heart shaped eyes. "Why miss Lucy! You love LOOOOOVELY today!" He said. Lucy frowned and stomped her foot. "Not now Taurus! We need your help!" Lucy pointed at the demon's frozen arm and leg, and noticing that if that broke, then the demon would become much weaker. Taurus noddes, and lifted his mighty ax. (I call it an ax okey..! XD) "YOOOOU got it miss Luce!" He slammed the ax into the ground, breaking it and the cracks flowing towards the demon. Right when it reached it, (Y/N) got up and stumbled for a bit. Huffing, (Y/N) tried walking towards the demon. I just can't stand here being weak while everyone is saving my ass! I need to help! (Y/N) said. The mighty blow from Taurus cracked the ice and shatters of ice and rocks flew all over the place, the demon losing it's leg and half of his arm, it roared in pain and threw Linker with no gentleness. (Y/N) gasped, running to Linker and (Y/N)'s arms threw open. "Linker!" (Y/N) screamed, trying to catch the unconscious exceed. The demon at the same time roared again, and opened its mouth, a purple aura forming around it. A purple light shot from the demon's mouth, aming for (Y/N) and Linker.

"(Y/N)!!" The four wizards yelled out, running to (Y/N), as fast as they could. The purple light was just to fast...
It hit (Y/N) and Linker...
Then a giant explosion followed right after, making everyone fly into the trees. It was all white....

"(Y/N)...wake up." A soothing voice said. Something was poking (Y/N) sharply. Yelping in pain and surprise, (Y/N) shot up. (Y/N) was back in the cave they grew up in. (Y/N) looked for their father...hearing his voice but not his form. "(Y/N)...go help them..wake up....They need not be such a weakling..." The voice teased a bit, and gave a small chuckle. (Y/N) looked all around, and struggled to get up. "Dad! Where are you?! Don't go away!"

Go help them...

Become stronger...

They need you....


(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes, everything was blurry and their head throbbed painfully. There was a sharp pain in (Y/N)'s back, arm, and leg. Blood was pouring out of scratches and cuts. All brusied, (Y/N) got up with a lot of effort. "I...can't give up..." (Y/N) growled, with Linker unharmed but still unconscious. The demon roared, trying to stay balanced with only one arm and leg. The wizards were fighting off the demon, and (Y/N) stood there. "I'm not being a coward anymore, hiding in someone's shadow while they protect me with their lives. No more running away." (Y/N) walked toward the demon, determined to take it down. "You hurt my friends. Your hurt for fun. You hurt me. That was a bad mistake!" (Y/N)'s hands started to leave off steam, the a few flames sprouted out of there. The demon lashed its claws at the wizards, sending them all flying. At the same time, (Y/N)'s whole body was covered in a bright fire, shining off the demon's "armor." Erza saw (Y/N) and she yelled out to her. "(Y/N) stay back!" Paying no attention, (Y/N) yelled out and jumped up, flames building up each second. Lucy gasped, her eyes widening. "Are you crazy, (Y/N)?! Get back here?!" Gray yelled. Natsu was breathing harshly, shaking, and staring at (Y/N), while Happy was helping him get up.


She's another Fire Dragon Slayer...


OH MY GOODNESS THIS TOOK LONGER THAN I EXPECTED. I'm so sorry I updated this very late! I moved to the UK, and I now have to moved to New York. It is very stressful, and plus I am sick. I was listening to Finale by Toby Fox and that inspired the fighting scene. (Yes Undertale. You should by the game) I don't know why I did such a long fighting scene. I will try to update all three books I have ;U; Forgive me everyone! I hoped you enjoyed this smol chappie!
Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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