Who was that? Dad..?

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(Same pov)
Wandering in the Shallow Forest of Shadows, (Y/n) A work in progress, was walking, waiting for Volcanio Flame to bring her their meal. "Oh, a flame, hot as lava, flows through the heart, they call it love.~" (Y/n) chanted, remembering the song that Volcanio Flame always sang to her when she feel asleep. Placing one steady foot on a log, (Y/n) didn't notice two figures in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. "Strong as a mountain, soft as a cloud, fierce as a storm, that i-" (Y/n) was cut off as the shadow pounced on her, shoving a bag on her head. "HELP!! DADDY!! SOMEONE!!" (Y/n) shrieked, kicking the stranger with her might. "Shut up kid!! Bind he-" The stranger was cut off as (Y/n) breathed in. "Fire Dragon Roar!!" A jet of flames blasted the stranger and the bag, letting (Y/n) see what was going on. "Ice crystal rain!" One of the strangers yelled, blasting crystals of ice at (Y/n). "Get the bag! Hurry!!" A voiced hissed, grabbing (Y/n) and shoving her into a huge bag. "Now, where's the Sacred Larcama?" The stranger who used ice magic hissed. "The who..? I don't know what's that!" (Y/n) hissed through the bag, clutching her injury on her left arm, which was bleeding.

"Liar!!" Another voiced hissed, getting out a knife and stabbing (Y/n) at the wound. Shrieking in pain, she collasped on the floor. "Guess we have to kill her.." The same voiced sighed. "No one is killing anyone here! FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!" A young voiced growled and a jet of flames were blasted at the strangers. "Another one!?! Go Storm!" The voiced yelled, but the gut didn't move. "Damnit Storm! You got hit again!" "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" The same, young voice yelled, slamming his first in the ground, sending the two guts flying. "Aw man, not again..." The voice sighed, scratching his head. The trees were lit on fire. "I overdid it...Oh yeah! Hey are you alright?" The pink haired child asked, running toward (Y/n), which she was clutching her heavy bleeding arm. "Ugh..who..who are you?" (Y/n) asked, her eyelids drooping. "My name is Natsu." The pink haired kid said reaching for (Y/n)'s arm. Before closing her eyes, a giant thud slammed onto the ground, roaring, sounding mad and worried.

~timeskip years later~
"My name is Natsu." That same voice kept repeating in your head. Now 12 years old, you wandered around a cave where you and Volcanio Flame live togethere. "Hey Dad! How old can I be when I can go to the town?" (Y/n) asked Volcanio Flame, which his sunset colors grew dimmer. "Whe I think you are ready." He responded, grinning at (Y/n). Sitting besides him, she whined. "I know all the magic you showed me! I'm strong!" (Y/n) protested. Chucking, Volcanio Flame watched the sunset. "Remember (Y/n), do not forget that one day I will be gone. I love you even though I am not by your side." (Y/n), who was playing with a bug, looked up at Volcanio Flame. "Yes Dad! I will never forget, and I will always love you too!" (Y/n) yelled, hugging her Dad's tail tightly. "Now let us rest.
~timeskip till morning~
(Reader-Chan's POV)
Waking up to the cold breeze whistling at my skin, I shuffled and felt that Dad wasn't there. "Dad?' I looked around, no sign of him. "Dad?" Running outside, expecting a jumpscare from him, he wasn't there. "DAD!!" I bellowed on top of my lungs. "No, no,no,no,no! He can't leave yet!" I ran to the forest, looking all over the place. "No..please Dad.." I sobbed, collapsing on the trunk of a tree. A large egg falling on top of me. "Oww!!" I poked the egg, too big to be a regular egg. I hugged it, thinking my Dad left me it. Going back while carrying the egg, I see a note on his side of the cave.

I'm sorry I left you.
My time was up. I love you dearly.
Don't say goodbye to my love, I will always love you. The stars will always shine and illuminate, like my love."

I cried, clutching the egg and the note. "I'll always love you too, Dad.." I whispered, closing my eyes.

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