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In Shockwave's Lab:

DyeHeart: Daikon I want to leave now.

Daikon: DyeHeart what did you do this time

The doors slammed open, and it was Megatron.

Megatron: DyeHeart, he yelled. Daikon I want to speak to my son now

Daikon: DyeHeart what did you do?

Megatron: now Daikon..

Daikon: okay. Sorry DyeHeart.

Megatron: son

DyeHeart: hi dad.

Megatron: don't you say hi to me, boy. You're in so much trouble. I knew you were behind this. Anyways no more flying with me for about 1, or 2 weeks.

Daikon: DyeHeart what did you do?

Daikon: uncle Megsy. Please. What did he do

Megatron: he.


Shockwave: oh come on. Daikon.

Daikon: DyeHeart seriously. Are you trying to get me in trouble?

Shockwave walked in completely drenched, and covered with energon.

Shockwave: my Lord. Anyways Daikon.

Megatron: Shockwave, I don't think this was Daikon's doing, but my son's. He hissed.

Megatron: really DyeHeart. This has gone far enough.

Shockwave: Daikon, let's just go home. I need a shower. Thanks to DyeHeart. He set the coordinates back to the ship, and they all headed home.

Shockwave went to his berth room, the doors opened, and his wife saw him.

In Shockwave's And Marcy's Berth Room:

Marcy giggled. What happened to you

Shockwave: it's not funny.

Marcy: Here let me help you.

In the washroom:

Shockwave went, and got some washrags, and a towel, and noticed his wife starting the water for the tub.

Marcy: So what happened. She asked when Shockwave was stepping into the tub

Marcy walked over, grabbed the washrag, and started wiping the continents off.

Shockwave: it was DyeHeart. The energon that I had in my lab completely exploded. I mean the whole cube. Can you believe it

Marcy: Well it's not like on the ship. It's


Marcy: stink bombs have been going off because of DyeHeart's stupid pranks.

Marcy bent down, and licked Shockwave's face.

Shockwave: I love you sweet spark.

Marcy: I know. She started to walk off, but Shockwave grabbed her, pulling her in the tub with him.

Marcy: Shockwave. Now look at me I am completely wet no thanks to you

Shockwave chuckled, bent down, and kissed her. He caressed her face. She shivered at the touch.

She was still in the tub wiping the continents off of him. He looked down at her.

Marcy looked up, and saw him looking at her

Marcy: what.

Shockwave: nothing. I think you missed a spot sweetheart.

Marcy smirked, and grinned, and threw the washrag at his face.

Shockwave chuckled:

Marcy got out of the tub, and grabbed the towel, and threw it at Shockwave, and walked off.

Shockwave: That's why I love you.

Marcy: Yeah yeah. I know.

Shockwave climbed out of the tub, and wiped himself down. He grabbed another towel, and walked to his wife.

Shockwave went to her, wiping her down, and drying her completely making sure she wasn't wet anymore.

Marcy: ooh. She turned around, and threw her arms around his neck making them fall to the ground

Shockwave: hpmh.

Marcy: oops my bad.

Shockwave chuckled. But in a little pain. He kissed her. They both got up off the floor, and started cleaning the mess. They heard the doors open, and they saw Daikon.

Marcy: So how much trouble is he in?

Daikon: a lot. And he doesn't want to talk at all.


Daikon: DyeHeart. How many did you do? Yup he's still not talking.

Megatron: DYEHEART!

Everyone: we hate you DyeHeart.

Daikon: Wow, it seems like you made your dad, and everyone upset.

DyeHeart: shut up Daikon. Not now. Leave me alone.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction: Shockwave And Marcy Part 6Where stories live. Discover now