Chapter 1 - the dance

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You walked into the event center holding hands with your date. He was a tall handsome guy with the most perfect blue eyes and brown hair. His name was Taylor and he had an unhealthy obsession with Lord of the Rings, you didn't mind it though. He wasn't exactly your first pick but he would do.
As you waked in you were very surprised at all the people and how fancy they were. You felt like you didn't belong. You could feel your palms getting sweaty, or Taylor's, you couldn't tell. This wasn't like one of your school dances; it was far more fancy and complex. You two walked in and you sat down and looked at the ground.
"Hey [y/n] are you ok?" Taylor said. You looked up and smiled.
"Yeah I'm good. I just think I need something to drink," You said. Taylor smiled back and winked.
"On it!" He said as he dashed for the drink bar. You sighed and looked at the floor again. For some reason your ex had popped into your mind and you were thinking about him and how much of a jerk he was to you. Your eyes started to fill up with tears and you let out a soft sob.
"I-I'm sorry to bother you but are you ok?" You heard a voice say. You looked up and there was a man standing there with a concerned look.
"I'm fine," you said looking away. He sat down beside you and put a hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry. Don't let anything get to you," the man said. You shook your head.
"There's something wrong with me... People don't seem to care or like me at all," you said your eyes starting to fill up again. He rubbed his hand on your shoulder.
"This may not be a good time, but I came over here because your man is off with another girl," he said slowly.
"That son of a bitch," you said under your breath. You then got up and started heading towards the door.
"Hey wait up!" You heard the man say behind you. You started to pick up the pace but unfortunately you were wearing heals and that didn't help. You pushed through the door and ran. You could still hear the man behind you. Why did he care? He was just a stranger. You kept running and running in hope of loosing him but he still followed behind.
"Go away!" You yelled while tears burned your eyes. You kept running and the man kept following, until your heels broke and you fell hitting your head on the ground, knocking you out.

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