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[Volume 0 chapter 4]

(Y/N) P.O.V.

I'm walking down the road that the man said would lead to Hillden...

. . .

I... I'm having a hard time processing everything.

Probably being part Grimm, the fact that  there is a Grimm worshipping cult running around, the destruction of that village, All of it.

It's just so much, I...

What am I?

I have small horns poking out of my head, I can not only Sense negative emotions from miles away, I literally absorb them, refining them into 'essence'.

I can use that 'essence' to heal from wounds that should put me out of commission, and I suspect- no I can feel, almost instinctively that I can do so much more with it.

I'm crazy strong, Even without the assistance of aura and faster than someone my (physical) age should be as well.

I... I really am somehow part Grimm, aren't I? God, if people found out about that . . .

I'm quite literally part Grimm, the monsters that constantly siege humanity's strongholds and probably slaughters possibly hundreds of not thousands of people per year.

If they knew what I was, they'd hate me.

At best I'd be shunned and discriminated against for being what I am and at worst...

I- I'd be seen as an abomination, hunted down and killed, body of a child or not.

. . . The world suddenly feels less real . . .

My life is going to be in special danger even if  I get to civilisation, huh?

If that's the case, then what's the point of seeking it? All that's out here Are the Grimm and...

The cult.

While I don't know much about this cult, I am almost certain that they are. By far one of the worst things I have found in this new world so far.

The Grimm are one thing. Animalistic, following their instincts to seek out negativity and rip it's source to pieces.

But the cult? They're sapient, they can think and feel, they don't have to do this. Yet kill people because they choose to.

They slaughtered the inhabitants of an entire village and for what?

A religion centered around the worship of monsters?

That's not worth the lives of all those people.

Those people . . .

God there were so many bodies. And the blood . . .

I hope Hillden is still there when I arrive . . . I don't know if I could take it if it shared the fate of that other village.

I start walking just a little bit faster...

(Time skip)


The Beowulf's growl gets cut off via an axe to the head.

It's packmate charges me but I sidestep it and bring the flat of my axe down on its back, shattering it's spine.

Jumping up in the air I avoid a claw swipe from the final beast before throwing my axe into it's chest, killing it.

After ripping my axe out of the disintegrating Beowulf I walk over the the one with the broken spine and crush it's head under my foot.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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