An Omen for Things To Come

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[Volume 0 chapter 3]

. . . Another flash of movement.

I double check the area I had just seen it, unsure if  it was just a hallucination or if it was real and I am in danger. . .


The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My instincts telling me that I am in imminent danger

It was real.

The faint sound of slithering can be heard.

. . . Shit, one of these things.

I ready my axe, it discharges small amounts of electricity from the aura trickling into it.

I also drop my backpack on the ground, it will only slow me down.

*Russel* *Russel*

I focus a small amount of my aura into my legs and jump to the side with great speed, just as the massive snake, Grimm lunges out at me.

It's when I look back at it that I realize that this thing has two heads.

How the fuck does that even work, dose one head have to slither backwards?

It lets out a hissing noise before lunging at me. I roll too the right but it seems to have what this thing wanted as it's second head quickly through my right flank and in a matter of seconds I was surrounded.

With my movement now restricted the second head tried to bite at me.

I blocked the attack with my axe, and after a few seconds of struggle I poured some aura into my axe, causing the lightning dust within it to discharge and electricity into the beast's head.

This forces it to back off in pain.

Unfortunately I didn't have time to react to the follow-up attack of the first head, it's fangs clamping down on my left leg.

(Y/N): "TCHYAAAAAAaaaahhhh"

I yell out in pain as my aura flairs up to protect me.

I turn, bringing my axe down onto it's neck, severing it's head.

The other head screeches in Pain, then it tries to rapidly coil around me but I boost my legs with aura and jump out.

The last head let's out a hiss and charges at me.

I think for a moment, then also change forward with my axe ready.

And at the last moment, when we are about to meet, I shift slightly and I use all of the momentum both from myself and the snake Grimm to plunge my axe into it's left eye.

I then pump it full of Aura, discharging enough electricity to fry it's brain.

Moments later I feel it's essence flow into me as it's corpse disintegrates.

. . .

After taking a moment to catch my breath I continue onwards to whatever destination awaits me at the end of this road, satisfied with my work.

As I walk down the path I notice that my aura seems to be recharging ever so slightly quicker than normal.

This is not unusual but also kind of annoying as I've noticed that many things from the aura recharge rate, to how much is spent when enhancing my strength, to how much is drained from getting hit, it all varies.

And this is making it fairly difficult to get a better grasp on how it exactly works as any experiments I run will have any control group I try to use be contaminated by this unknown and seemingly random factor.

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