Chapter 4: The Return

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*Timeskip: A Day later*

In Training ground 7 stood the Rookie 9, Team guy and their Sensei's Along with Minato, the Clan heads, the Elders and the Ramen Family. The reason that they were all waiting was Because of Naruto who Everyone was Waiting for.

Minato turned to his wife who was looking Impatient as he Placed a Hand on her Shoulder." Be patient Kushi-chan, I'm sure Naruto will be here any Minute now" Said Minato trying to calm his wife as Kushina sighed, It was onl 1:55pm and they said he had Until 2pm

The other members of the Konoha 12 who were at the training ground did Not know why they were being Called. They didn't even know when Naruto returned besides Sakura who was the one to go free Him.


5 Minutes pass, Before anyone could do or Say anything a Tower of Fire started to Spin violently like a Tornado that was Set Ablaze causing everyone to Step back at such heat. The Fire tornado stopped spinning as Two figures stepped out which Caused sevral people eyes to Widen and Jaws to Drop. Every single girl in the Area Blushed madly as they saw the Face of the Man standing there. Their eyes widened when they Noticed the whisker marks on the Man cheeks,Hinata almost Fainted when she saw his Handsome Face while others could only stare in Shock.






*Recap End*

"H-Holy shit Is that really Naruto?" Asked Kiba as everyone stared at Naruto in shock at how he Went from a Shrimp to a Tall and And Handsome man. They were All about to rush over tiwards Him to Welcome back his Return but they were Stopped.

This action was However stopped by Kakashi who raised his hand stopping them In their Tracks. They all looked towards Naruto fully and looked into his eyes Which were so cold they Sent shivers down their Spine. Before anything could Happen, A Yellow flash Apeared infront of all of them as It was Minato.

"I Am sorry to cut the Reunion short but, You all will have to Celebrate later" Said Minato as he Turned towards Naruto. "Naruto Kitsune, you will battle 3 of my Jonin to determine Your Rank" Naruto look at Minato with Uncaring eyes as he Shrugged before Scoffing.

"Tch, As if these Weakling would Be able to Lay a single Strach on me" Said Naruto with a Smirk as Everyone who knew Naruto before was Taken aback at the Blatant Insult.

The Jonins on that matter Narrowed their eyes towards Naruto."Those are some very Bold words Naruto. Do we Have to Remind you how Powerful an Elite Jonin is to a Mere Genin?" Asuma spoke First causing an Amused smirk to Appear on Naruto face.

"Oh?, Do you want to Die that Badly?. I guess a Fucktard will Always go Out like a Fucktard, the Same once Pitiful man he Called his father. That really is a Shame." This Comment caused Asuma to glare at Him with Murder in his eyes, As the Jonin's had to Restain Asuma from hurting him.

The Konoha Group could Not believe what they had Just heard. Was this really their Naruto?, The same Radiant sunshine Blond Idiot that they Once Knew?.

"Enough!" Said Minato as all talking Deceased as he Cleared his Throat. "Will the Jonin's Step up"Said Minato as Kurenai, Asuma, and Gai, and Stepped up.

"Naruto Kitsune step up" Said Minato as Naruto cracked his Neck before Stepping up as he Gave Tsunade a Peck on her lips before he took off his Cloak and handed it To her Which caused Most of the Konoha Ninja who didn't know to be shocked to their very core and all the girls who knew Naruto to Get angry.

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