Math and Coffee

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Piper groaned again, putting her head into her hands for a moment.

If one thing was clear, they absolutely hated math. Anything math related was pure hell, fractions, decimals, algebra, geometry. Actually no, geometry was pretty simple to understand. But who the fuck puts letters in math? She didn't understand how she could be so understanding with technology, yet so bad at math.

Piper stared down at the problem she was working on. Something Algebra related, y plus x equals 11. What kind of dumbass problem was this?

"Uhm, excuse me? Is it okay if I sit here?"

The 28 year old looked up. A woman was standing in front of the booth, twiddling her thumbs a bit. She was wearing a blue sweater, a tabby cat imprinted on it, followed by a dark blue polkadot skirt. She had pale skin, and short, curly brown hair tied up with a pink headband, with wide, hopeful blue eyes.

She looked... strangely familiar.

"All of the other booths were taken, and I wasn't sure if you'd be okay with it since, uh, you seem a little busy."

"No no it's perfectly fine! Go right ahead." Piper smiled, watching the woman sit down on the opposite side of them before returning to their math problem. The two of them didn't say anything, listening to the chatter from other booths around Beanies. Piper looked up a couple times, watching her friend, Emma, handing out coffee to the customers with Zoey.

"What are you working on?" The other woman suddenly spoke up, feeling a little awkward about how quiet it was.

"Ah, just something for college. Math is pretty tough." Piper responded, chuckling a little. Just then, Emma came up to the booth, clearly out of breath.

"Sorry, sorry. Here's your Mocha Latte, Charlotte. Extra sugar as always." She quickly put down a cup in front of the woman, who Piper guessed was named Charlotte.

"Thank you, Emma!"

"How's that math coming along?" Emma looked over to Piper, who groaned.

"I don't understand any of this. Like, what the hell is y plus x equals 11?"

"Oh, that's easy! If you're trying to write it in slope-intercept form, then I'm certain the answer would be y equals negative x plus 11." Charlotte answered, rambling on about how Piper would need to subtract x from both sides, and how the x would move to the other side as a negative. "Ah- sorry, I'm probably rambling on."

"No it's fine, I actually learned a bit. Thanks for your help, uh.."

"Charlotte, Charlotte Sweetly." Charlotte held out her hand, smiling. Piper took it gratefully, shaking her hand.

"Now I know why you seem so familiar to me! Me and Emma dropped off Coffee at your workplace a couple days ago! Right Em?"

Emma, who had been watching the whole thing go down, nodded. "Charlotte, this is my coworker and roommate, Piper. I'll leave you two to chat, I need to get back to the counter before Nora has my ass." She quickly ran off back to the growing line, leaving the two to watch. Charlotte took another sip of her latte before speaking again.

"Now that I think about it, I do remember seeing you at the office that day. I believe you were dropping off orders for us?"

Piper nodded. "I was! I think I actually stopped by your cubicle to give you yours."

"Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you as well."

The two of them talked a bit more, Charlotte helping Piper out with some math problems, and Piper talking about college life, and what it's like living with Emma. Emma kept an eye on them from afar, watching the two of them laugh and chat happily. This was probably the most chatty she's seen Charlotte in a little while, and probably the happiest Piper has looked in the past week.

They both jumped at the sound of an alarm going off, as Charlotte pulled her phone out from her pocket. "Oh! That's the end of my lunch break." Charlotte picked up her mostly empty cup now, tossing it into the trash nearby. "It was nice chatting with you Piper!"

"Nice chatting with you too Charlotte! Thank you for helping me with math."

"My pleasure! Happy to help." Charlotte waved, putting a dollar bill into the tip jar before making her way out of the coffee shop. Piper watched her leave, before returning to the last question of their textbook page.

752 words in total, not as much as Sen had written in the last fic. Poor Charlotte in that one :(

Hope you enjoyed my first TGWDLM oneshot! - 🐺

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