Chapter 1

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My name is Hailee Bridge. I'm seventeen and I live on my own. My parents and I don't really see eye to eye, so we tend to fight a lot, hence why I moved out. I'm a sucker for unnatural coloured hair so I have teal hair with purple ends. I think body 'modifications' are amazing, and by modifications I do mean anything ranging from piercings and tattoos to actually modifying your body.

"Oi, Hailee, live band tonight?" A student from my high school asked as he walked passed me on the path way.

I looked up and smiled. "Of course! It's Monday, we gotta finish the day off with a bang." A few of the students around me cheered and started talking excitedly.

I pulled my over-sized shirt onto my shoulder a little more and opened my classroom door. Taking my seat, I grabbed my notebook out of my bag, along with my pens - highlighters included, guys - and one of my water bottles which had my lychee water in it. The class was relatively quiet; I mean, what do you expect from a group of seniors on a Monday morning?

"Right," the teacher walked through the door that was at the front of the class room, next to the whiteboard. "Your notebooks are pointless today, to say in the nicest way possible. We're proceeding with the research project that I gave you last week." Each and every one of us actually groaned. We could see a small satisfied smile on his face. While everyone else was putting their notebooks away and grabbing their laptops, I left my notebook on my table. I write all of my information in my notebooks and on my laptop when I get home, that way if I do loose anything, I still have a hard copy to reflect on.

About half way through the class, my best friend stumbled in through the door at the back of the classroom, and fell into the seat beside me.

"You're hung over," I said highlighting the last sentence I put in my notebook. I place my bottle in front of him and grabbed a pack of white chocolate and macadamia cookies from my shoulder bag, also placing them in front of him.

"Mum and dad kicked me out last night, so I drowned my sorrows in a shit load of booze. Pretty sure I'm still drunk." Harley shrugged and slowly drank the water. "I should have seen it coming when my sister announced she was pregnant."

"What did your sister say?" I had already grabbed his laptop and logged him in to it by the time I had asked the question.

Harley had never been the best kid, but he's always done what he could to get the grades he needed to stay in the Overall Position classes. Even through all the crap his parents have thrown his way, I've never seen him come to school this way before.

Anyway, Harley and his sister have always gotten along-being fraternal twins, its understandable-but their parents have always preferred Ivy and they've made no attempt to hide it.

"I don't think she knows. She was out at her partners place last night." He sighed and leaned back in his chair, putting his laptop on his lap.

"You can always move into my place, I do have a spare room."

"Serious? You would do that for me?" Harley face brightened up light fireworks over the river during River Fire.

"Of course, you are my best friend after all. You and I are going to go through worse." Harley nodded his head in agreement.

Oh! I'm not sure if I mentioned, my apartment? Yeah, it's above a nightclub. A nightclub that I own.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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