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''Why aren't you more like your brother?'' - ''Don't you see how hard working Tobio is? Why not be like him at least a little bit?''

Tobio here, Tobio there.

If you were honest than you weren't sure if any person on earth ever counted as far as all the times your parents mentioned how awesome your younger brother is and that you should be more like him.

Family gathering were the worst though.

On those occasions it wasn't only your parents that were telling you who your brother was on how good he is at what he's doing, it was everyone doing so.

Your parents liked to talk about Tobio so whenever something was new in his volleyball career, they'd happily forward the information to your entire famil line.

They even talked about your big sister Miwa a lot, she was a make-up artist and working with all kinds of people after all.

Your parents liked to show around the pictures she took with various models and celebritys that she send to them.

But Miwa was old enough to decide for herself wether to come to the yearly family reunion or not, which she was wise enough to attend only around every two years.

But you?

you were forced to go.

You were forced to listen to your parents talk so happily about your siblings, mostly of course your brother.

And whenever they, or you, were asked what you were doing right now the room felt to become painfully quiet.

Tobio was in his first year of high school, you in your last, and yet you had achived absolutly nothing.

You didn't like sports, neither watching or doing them yourself.

You were barely passing your classes, you didn't really have a hobby and no talent.

You were just kind of there.

Whenever someone tried to speak about you to your parents they were quick to put the attention back to Tobio and his rising career as a to-be pro athlete.

You'd lie if you said that it didn't hurt each and every time the same amount, as if it was the first time.

You were meant to feel like a looser with siblings like these, with a brother like that.

Already as a young teen you found yourself being jaelous of him, hate him almost.

Each time this hateful heat started to clench your heart, put his hands around your throat, you told yourself that it was not his fault.

That it was not in Tobios will that your parents adored their youngest child so much while almost forgetting their middle one.

you never spoke a lot with your brother, you didn't even go to the same high-school as he did.

You couldn't even name a single player on his current team or any team in the past, you were barely able to tell the position he played.

But one evening you were sitting outside on the poarch, busy on your phone, when Tobio came outside with a multi-colored ball in his hands.

'A volleyball' you supposed and stayed seated with your back against the wall, centered in your small family garden.

You saw in the corner of your eye that he started to play with the ball, toss it in the air just to catch it again with both of his hands.

For some reason his presence bothered you but you stayed quiet, eyes focused on your phone.

But then he started to play the ball against the wall, catching it again and repeating the process.

Not only once did the ball miss your head just by a few inches in under a minute.

''Tobio, I'm sitting here..'' you said annoyed, looking up from your phone to find your brother recieving the ball once again, playing it against the wall another time and barely missing your face.

''Tobio!'' you exclaimed, angry now.

Does he ignore you? What's his problem? Can't he see he misses your face just barely?

This time he catched the ball, looked down on your still sitting form after he had the ball secured in his grip.

''If you don't wanna get hit, leave.'' he said with a blank face.

Shock and then anger came slightly dancing across your own.

''I was here first, Tobio. If one of us should leave, then it's you.'' you said, ready to throw hands.

You were older than him, why does he speak in such a way to you?

''No.'' he said.

He threw the ball against the wall again, catching it as it came rushing back to his chest.

You wanted to speak when he started to again already.

''If one of us should leave, then it's you. I've got something to work on, something to achive. I got to practise to finally beat Oikawa. I got something to do, something I'm good at, you don't have something like that so you should make room for the people who will be someone in the future.''

You were left speechless.

How could he say all of that so easily, as if it weighed nothing?

As if his words meant nothing?

Well, for him it probably was like that.

''What the fuck Tobio.'' you only managed to press out before getting up and almost running inside, up the staors and into your bedroom.

As soon as the door to your bedroom closed behind you, you bursted out in tears you were barely able to hold in until you were in the comfort of your room.

You cried rivers into your pillow that night and when there was no more sadness left, there was anger, revenge.

And oh, you really wanted revenge.

Revenge for what he had said to you, for how he made you feel.

And this is how you found yourself in fromt of the still locked gmy of your school, Aoba Johsai, the next day after school.

i just got to get rid of this idea that i've had for a good two-three days or so now

+ yes, this is a re-upload TT

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