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you just want to pick the stack of posters up and stand back up when Oikawa already grabs them.

"Thank you" you say as the both of you are back on your feet and take your phone out that just buzzed, catching a glimpse of Oikawa's grin.

Yumi texted you.

'I see you :D'

after reading that message and slight confusion on your face you relax it again and look behind Oikawa.

Yumi is standing next to one of the floor lockers with her phone in her hand and smiling at you, the My Melody sticker catching your gaze for a moment.

you smile back at her and in the corner of your eye you see Oikawa looking at you for a moment with a mix of confusion and something you can't quiet name before he turns around and sees Yumi.

"Ah" he says quietly and turns back to you.

you loosen your gaze from Yumi and look back at him, extending your hands to take the posters back but Oikawa moves aside.

"I want to help you with.." he looks at the posters for a brief moment "..this"

"there's no need to" you quickly say "Yumi is already helping me-"

Oikawa interrupts you.

"(y/n)" he says your name so intently and careful that it makes you stop speaking and your brain stop working for a second.

with a meaningful expression he swiftly looks behind you before looking back into your eyes.

you turn around carefully, Mika and the rest of the members of Oikawas fan-club are silent and watching you two.

you turn back around to Oikawa with an understanding expression.

"Yes" you say firmly "that would be great" you add and force a smile into your voice.

the corners of Oikawa's lips lift and make his eyes dissapear, he turns around and by the way his shoulders slightly drop you're certain he didn't keep the smile as he turned around to Yumi.

the slight expression of surprise and her widened eyes confirm it.

you step out of the classroom now as well and mouth a silent 'sorry' to Yumi while Oikaws still has his back to you but she dismisses your apology with a slight shake of her head.

''Kindachi said to just...hang them up around here'' you say to Yumi and she nods, you hand her the few posters in your arms.

you turn around to grab some more posters from Oikawa and he is standing so close behind you that his lips almost touch your forehead as you turn.

you didn't even notice him coming this close up behind you and your face flushes with emberassment.

''O-oh'' you stutter and stumble backwards, into Yumi who thankfullly makes you stop by gently holding your shoulders.

''Sorry..'' you say towards Oikawa, apologizing for almost running into him and banging your head against his.

but he only smiles and you think that you see somewhat of a rosy tint across his cheeks.

the three of you start hanging up the posters, you're holding a conversation with Yumi in which you sometimes squeeze Oikawa in to not have him hang around like a dead weight.

he forces himself close to you, hanging up posters only a few feet away from you.

you just let him.

you know you're being watched, you can feel the hair at the back of your neck stand up.

and you know that it's Oikawa's fangirls that are watching so closely, eyeing each and every of his movements and steps.

they watch him talk so easily with you, they watch him walking close to you, stepping even closer every once in a while.

they watch him lean a little closer down to you when you two engage in a conversations and by the dreamy and kinda jaelous looks you get you can tell that they swallowed the bait.

it makes you feel like you can be an actress at how easily you managed to fool them all.

of course it's not only you, it's Oikawa as well, but you feel like he is much more used to playing pretend and laying out bait than you are.

you can hardly imagine it's always comfortable to have strangers around you almost all the time in school.

the thought of it makes you happy to have been somewhat of a lone wolf.

it takes around 30 minutes until all the posters are hung up and you're glad you're finally done.

you appreciate Oikawas efforts in fooling everyone and getting through with the plan but at times you feel like he's pressing it too hard, making it too obvious.

but if it works, it works.

"I should get going now." Oikawa is the first to start leaving.

he's probably late for practice now despite telling you that it takes time for everyone to arrive.

poor Iwaizumi had to get the gym ready all by himself.

"alright" you say.

"have fun at practice..?" you add but it sound more of a question than a statement.

Oikawa chuckles and smiles at your words.

"I will, see ya" he say's as he strokes your arm gently while passing you with another smile after taking his bag.

he leaves you dumbfounded in the hallway while you can still feel the skin tingle where his hand touched your forearm and wrist.

Yumi is quick to speak and get you out of this weird situation, to get you out of those prying eyes of Oikawa's, still watching, fangirls.

"C'mon, let's go!" she quickly say's and grabs both of your bags before escorting you into the opposite direction of where Oikawa went.

As soon as you're out the building and away from all the fangirls, she looses her coolness.

"Okay okay, what was that!?" she exclaims and her voice is higher than usual.

there is excitement in her voice and confusion in her eyes, you don't know which emotion of her to attend to first.

yippie, a new chapter! :D
Updates are slow and rare at the moment since i'm currently (and have been for the past like two or three months ) moving out and moving in with my boyfriend
it's just a lot of stress and it's hard to finde time between moving and work to write
I hope you all are doing great and that you can still enjoy this story nonetheless :)
I hope we will see us in the next chapter! :D

a devils pact (yan. Oikawa x f.reader)Where stories live. Discover now