Crush Factor

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Griffin Campbell was no fool. Ever since the night he got his best friend/crush Harper Dunn back from 1930 and they almost kissed on the porch of The Tremont hotel before they chickened out and stopped, he couldn't help but feel like there was some sort of......"unspoken thing" between him and Harper. And right now it was literally an unspoken thing because the awkwardness that followed the almost-kiss was preventing the two teens from getting together and talking about it. And as far as Griffin was concerned, it was better that they didn't talk about it. But it seems that fate had other ideas because today was the day the Dunn family was going to be moving into The Tremont with Griffin's family since the land on The Tremont belonged to the Dunn's and they needed help getting the last of their stuff packed. And that was how Griffin currently found himself in Harper's bedroom, helping her pack the last of her things, a very obvious awkward silence hanging between them. A silence that was soon broken by Harper. "It's been two weeks, Griff. And yet, things are so awkward between us. Why?" Harper asked seriously. "Well, y'know, it's just that we almost....." "We almost kissed, I know. But it's not a big deal." said Harper nonchalantly. However, hearing Harper say that annoyed Griffin. A lot. "Not a big deal? Not a big deal? Not a big deal?!" asked Griffin, almost shouting. "Of course it's a big deal. I almost lost you, Harper. And I'm really glad that you're back, truly I am, but I don't wanna roll the dice on something like that again. I can't imagine you not being in my future. Being with me every step of the way, no matter what. I don't even wanna know what that would be like. You're my everything, Harper." After he was finished with his mini love confession/rant, Griffin went over and sat down on Harper's bed and started to breathe in and out to help himself calm down. "I'm sorry. Just needed to vent back there." said Griffin sorrowfully after a few minutes of more silence. "It's okay, Griff. What I said was extremely selfish and thoughtless of me. And if I'm being honest, I can't imagine you not being in my future, either. Speaking of which, what do you think we'll be like in the future? Do you think we'd still recognize each other if we passed each other on the street?" asked Harper as she taped the last of her moving boxes shut and went to go sit with Griffin on her bed. "C'mon. You know you're pretty unforgettable, Locker Ninja." said Griffin, smiling as he made a whoosh noise with his mouth and then kicked the air dramatically to emphasize on his nickname for Harper before he was brought in for a hug by her. "And you have a one-track mind, Guitar God." said Harper dryly before pulling away from said Guitar God to riff on an air guitar. Just then, right as Harper was about to stand up, Griffin found himself getting brave and pulled Harper close to him, leaned in close with his eyes closed and went in for a kiss. After a few seconds, Griffin opened his eyes and started to pull away after seeing the shocked expression on Harper's face but was quickly pulled back into another, more passionate kiss by Harper before he pinned her down to her bed and laid sensitive, tender kisses up both sides of her neck and all around her jawline before he felt Harper's warm, gentle hands lifting up his shirt and exploring his back, scratching it involuntarily every time Griffin kissed her harder. Griffin then lifted up Harper's shirt a bit and traced little circles on her back before pulling her closer to him and kissed her passionately before holding her close like she was a piece of delicate glass.  Finally, after a few minutes of making out, the two teens stopped to come up for air and Griffin opened his eyes to see Harper blushing like crazy and smiling like crazy. "So, Locker Ninja, would you say that makes us even?" asked Griffin cockily. "I dunno. What do you think?" asked Harper wryly before smiling again. "I'll take that as a yes, milady." said Griffin in a terrible imitation of a British accent. "Milady? Ooh, so fancy." said Harper coyly before bringing Griffin close for another kiss. However, before they could get round 2 started, they heard a small cough and looked in the direction of Harper's bedroom door to see their siblings looking at them, each with different expressions on their faces. Wyatt was standing there looking amused and he had his phone out, Zoey looked like she was about to die from happiness and Topher looked like he was gonna puke. "Oh, hey guys!!! Wha-what are you doing here?!" asked Griffin as he struggled to get off of Harper. "Well, Mom and Dad wanted us to let you know that the moving truck was ready to go, but it seems like you two were busy at the moment and we didn't want to ruin it." said Wyatt as he put his phone away. "Wyatt, were you filming that?! Oh my god, how much did you see?!" asked Griffin, almost shouting as he finally got off Harper and they both stood up. "Enough to know I can hold this over your head 'til the end of time". said Wyatt smugly as he and Zoey moved out of the way so Griffin and Harper to leave the room. And as they left, they noticed Topher was looking a little green. "Congratulations, Harper. We officially traumatized Topher." said Griffin, chuckling as he and Harper went down the stairs, holding hands. Once they all the way down the stairs, Wyatt and Zoey turned to look at Topher, whose skin had returned to its normal color. 'What?" asked Topher, dumbfounded and confused. "If you don't mind Topher, Wyatt and I will take those ten bucks you promised us if our siblings got together." said Zoey, smugly as she and her brother looked at their friend expectantly. "Ugh, fine. See, this is why I don't like being friends with you guys." said Topher as he pulled two tens out of his wallet and gave them to the twins. "Pleasure doing business with you, sir." said Wyatt before he, Zoey and Topher made their way down the stairs and out to the moving truck. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later that evening, after dinner, Griffin and Harper were in Griffin's room, sitting on his bed and talking and just shooting the bull. " I don't about you, but I'm 100% positive we could win the science fair with the radio and portal. I mean, think about it:Your great-granduncle basically invented a live-in science project. It's foolproof!!!" said Griffin excitedly. "And this is exactly why you have a one-track mind, Griffin." said Harper dryly. "Ok, ok. Fair point. But still, can't help but consider all our options." pointed out Griffin blankly. "I love you, you know that, dork?" said Harper as she playfully shoved Griffin's side. "Dork? I thought I was more romantic than that." said Griffin as he took Harper by the hand and led her to his bed. "Oh, you are. But sometimes, I just need to tease you so you don't get boring." Harper said as she chuckled lightly. "Me, boring? Please. Last I checked, you loved me and I was the life of the party." said Griffin as he leaned in for another kiss, which Harper gladly reciprocated before shoving Griffin down on to his bed and starting to place sloppy kisses all over his face. But again, before the two lovebirds could really get things going, they were interrupted again. But not by one of their siblings, but this time by Griffin's father, one Benjamin Campbell, Jr. "Hey Griff, have you seen Harper? Cause, I found her sketchbook in one of the boxes and I wanted to give it back to her but I haven't been able to find---" began Ben before he walked into Griffin's bedroom and into a sight he definitely didn't need to see:Griffin and Harper making out on Griffin's bed. "Uh, I know you guys love each other but, have you ever heard of closing your door?" asked Ben dryly, getting the attention of the two lovesick teens. "Huh, Dad?! What're you doing in here?!?!" asked Griffin, again almost shouting as he and Harper were caught for the second time that day. "Uh, well, I found Harper's sketchbook and I wanted to give it back to her but I didn't know where she was but it seems I solved that mystery." said Ben, chuckling. "Oh, haha!! Very funny, Dad." said Griffin, humorlessly. "Now, you're not gonna tell Mom about this, are you?" asked Griffin, worriedly. "Oh, you know I am. Besides, she now owes me and Jess five bucks each because we won the bet." said Ben, chuckling as he walked out of Griffin's room. "I'm sorry, did you just say bet?" asked Griffin, nervously as followed his father out of his bedroom. "Uh, yeah." answered Ben rather quickly as he turned on his heel so he could face Griffin. "Her, your mother and I were betting on you and Harper getting together and it seems like my prayers were answered." said Ben, shrugging like it was no big deal. "Dad, you can't just bet on my love life!!! That's private, you know." said Griffin, getting more irritated by the minute. "What's this about a bet?" asked Wyatt as he came out of his and Zoey's bedroom. "Oh, well Jess, your mother and I were betting on Griffin and Harper getting together and it seems it finally it happened today." said Ben, simply. "Oh, funny story, actually. Me and Zoey are now ten bucks richer thanks to Topher because we were also betting on them together." said the red-haired, freckled boy, chuckling lightly. "Really, Wyatt? You too?!" asked Griffin in disbelief, almost at his breaking point. "What can I say? Betting just seems to run in the family. Before I met your mom, I was a god when it came to betting on sports games. Where do you think I was able to get enough money to buy this place?" asked Ben as he and Wyatt went down the stairs to let Sarah know she lost the bet. "I hate you guys." said Griffin, annoyed and irritated before he just stood there, dumbfounded for a few minutes and then went back to his room, remembering to close the door. "Sorry about that. It seems my dad and your mom were also betting on us getting together and they won." said Griffin, still a bit annoyed at his own family members betting on his love life. "Don't be. Now, where were we?" asked Harper in a flirtatious voice. "I think right about here." said Griffin right before he leaned into a kiss and he and Harper spent the rest of the night kissing and holding each other close. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope y'all enjoyed this first one-shot in "The Guitar God x The Locker Ninja"!!! Requests are open, btw. Unless they're smut. Then I won't do 'em. Anything else is fair game. 'Til then, Stay Gold!!! Ciao!

Dedicated to @killiancaptainhook for getting me into SOSS fanfiction!!! Love you 3000, milady!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Guitar God x The Locker Ninja:A Griffin x Harper Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now