"Happy Birthday, Griffin!!!"

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 Griffin Campbell sighed as he woke up with a smile on his face. Today, August 14th, 2025, was his 17th birthday and he was really excited. He was gonna get to spend the whole day with his girlfriend of five years, Harper Dunn, and then that evening come back home to The Tremont hotel, which his and Harper's families co-owned, for a family party. Just then, there was a knock at his door. "Griffin, honey? It's time to wake up." said his mom Sarah on the other side of the door. "Harper's already up and dressed. She's just waiting on you." "Ok, mom. Be down in a minute." called Griffin as he got up and made his bed before going downstairs. "Hey, there he is!!! The birthday boy himself." said Griffin's dad Ben when he entered the kitchen. "Morning, dad. Morning, family." said the birthday boy as he made himself a bowl of cereal. "Good morning, birthday boy. I can't believe my baby's 17 already. Where did the time go?" asked Sarah as small tears began to fall. "Woah, easy there. I'm not leaving for college quite yet Mom, so do me a favor and just keep your pants on." said Griffin with a light chuckle as he finished his cereal. "Where's Harper?" asked Griffin suddenly as he stood up and went over to the sink to wash his cereal bowl before he felt a familiar pair of warm, gentle hands cover his eyes. "Guess who, birthday boy." said Harper in a flirtatious whisper as she stood behind her boyfriend with her hands on his eyes. "Guess that answers my question then. Harper, could you please take your hands of my eyes? I'm as excited as you are to spend almost the whole day with you but we can't do that if you're blocking my line of sight." said Griffin flatly before the girl behind him took her hands off his eyes and he spun around to get a good look at Harper. The sight before him almost made him drop dead, right then and there. She was wearing a beautiful white and blue striped sundress that stopped a little past her knees, dark navy blue jeans with a belt and a pair of sneakers(with her trademark art on them, of course)and she had her hair up in a braid that she let flow over her shoulder. Like I said, Harper was beautiful with a capital B. And seeing her made Griffin realize he was still in his freakin' pajamas!!! "Um, will you excuse me for a moment, please?" asked Griffin sheepishly, like he was a four-year-old getting reprimanded by his parents for drawing on the wall. "Yes, Griffin." saiD Harper simply. "Thank you." After about five minutes, Griffin came back, this time dressed in something a bit more appropriate for a date. He was wearing a light green button-up t-shirt, black dress pants, converse sneakers, a watch to keep track of the time they were gone and he had managed to get his usually long, curly dirty-blonde hair gelled, styled and slicked back so he looked even more like a gentleman. "So, milady. You ready to go?" asked Griffin as he held his hand out for Harper to take, which she gladly did. "Now, remember, you two. The party starts at 7 so we need you back here by 6:40 so you can help us finish the preparations. Understand?"' asked Ben as he looked towards Griffin and Harper. "Loud and clear, Dad." said Griffin as he grabbed the keys to his Tesla(his parents birthday present last year). "And no funny business, you two. Ben and I are too young to become grandparents, UNDERSTAND?!", asked Sarah, almost shouting at the two lovEstruck teens who, as expected, looked away and covered themselves to hide the blushes forming on their faces. "Yes, Mom. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a date to go on." said Griffin, after a few minutes of awkward silence between them. "If you insist. Go. Have fun. We won't miss you, too much." said Sarah, chuckling lightly. "Oh, ha-ha. Very funny, Mom. See you soon." said Griffin as he and Harper finally left The Tremont, got in his Tesla, and drove off for the small town of Sulphur Springs, Louisiana, for Griffin's birthday date with Harper. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About five hours later, the happy couple had already made seven(count 'em), seven stops all around town. First, they stopped at the music store where Griffin was a regular to get him a new case and pick for his guitar, then they stopped by Mrs. Barker(Savannah)'s and Chris's graves to check in with them and let them know that today was Griffin's birthday. Next, they stopped at an art store to get Harper some more pastel markers for some of her more, as she called them, "grounded" drawings. Afterwards, they went for a little hike on a nature trail close to a park that Harper and Topher used to go to when they were a bit younger. Then, they stopped at a gas station so Griffin could use the bathroom and also get some chocolate. After that, they stopped at Dollar General to get some more Party streamers since the Campbell's hadn't gotten enough last time. And now, it was almost 12:50 pm, and were currently getting some dinner at Harper's favorite Italian restaurant in downtown Sulphur Springs. Griffin had gotten the five cheese ziti with a side of salad and breadsticks and Harper had stuck with the classics and got spaghetti and meatballs. And now, the two were sitting at their table, stuffed full of food and just talking. "Y'know Harper, it seems like only yesterday when you kicked past my head on the first day of school and then you came back with me The Tremont and look where we are now." said Griffin, smiling as he looked over at his girlfriend, his Locker Ninja and best friend. "A young couple, happy and in love." said Harper as she looked back at her boyfriend, her Guitar God and best friend. "Amen to that." said Griffin before the two of them fell into a comfortable silence. A silence that only lasted about 3.5 minutes before the one person that Harper and Griffin despised with a passion and definitely did not want to see today walked in. This person's name? Hunter Berkley. And why do Griffin and Harper hate this guy's guts you ask? Well, let's just say that Hunter was Sulphur Springs resident teen boy toy and womanizer at school. He could get any girl to fall at his feet and he was even faster to get a girl to have a.....sleepover if he wanted to. Except for Harper. And no matter how many times he turned on the charm, Harper still shot him down. And one time almost a year and a half ago, he did so in front of Griffin, leading to a major fight that resulted in Griffin getting a bloody nose, broken arm, black eye and about a third of his hair pulled out and suspended while Hunter only got a punch to the stomach, scratch marks on his arm and still got off scot-free. Why? Two words:Rich parents. Let's just keep it at that. Anyways, Griffin and Harper were just minding their own business and were about to pay the bill when Harper first heard his obnoxious snort-chuckle laugh and then Griffin turned and saw that his number one enemy had entered the restaurant with---surprise, surprise---a new girl wrapped around his arm. Even after his fight with Griffin, Hunter still found a way to woo girls like it was nothing. Again, rich parents. "Oh, Hunter. You're so funny!!" said Hunter's newest sweetheart as they sat down at a table right in line of Griffin and Harper's line of sight near the front of the restaurant. Thankfully, Hunter didn't see them. "What can I say, baby? Comes with the territory of being this good-looking." said Hunter coolly, causing the girl to let out another laugh. In case you're wondering, Hunter stood at a whopping 5"9, about five inches taller than Griffin, and had a face full of freckles and had long black spiky hair while his newest bae was a little bit shorter than Harper and had long, golden blonde locks. "Oi, this creep again." said Harper with a roll of her eyes. "That poor girl has no idea what she's getting herself into." said Harper with a hint of sadness in her voice as she had heard that Hunter's sleepovers often came with a........"nine-month insurance policy" that the unwitting girls who went with Hunter often had to pay. And that just sickened Harper so much. Same for Griffin, who just had a crazy idea pop in his head. "Say, Harper. What do you say we give Hunter a taste of his own medicine?" asked Griffin mischievously as he smirked deviously. "What did you have in mind, Griff?" asked Harper, curiously. "Just....follow my lead." was all Griffin said before he and Harper got up and walked over to where Hunter and the blonde girl were sitting. "Hello there, Hunter." said Griffin, flashing the boy a fake smile. "Hunter, do you know these guys?" asked the blonde girl, curiosity laced in her voice. However, before Hunter could answer, Harper stepped in. "Yes, actually. I'm friends with his girlfriend, Emily, and she called me, saying that Hunter never showed up to take her on a date and so I said I'd track him down for her. My boyfriend just came along cause he had nothing better to do this afternoon." said Harper, lying and doing her best to not laugh at Hunter's confused/angry face and the blonde's girl shocked face after hearing her story, which she made up on the spot, btw. "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!?!" yelled the blonde like she was Sharpay Evans from High School Musical. "What?! No, of course I don't, baby." "OH, SHUT UP!!!! I'M OUTTA HERE!!!!! THE LAST THING I WANNA DO IS DATE A MOTHERF$#&ING, TWO-TIMING, ASS-KISSING LOSER!!!!" yelled the blonde in a fit of rage as she got up. "But, wait, Sharpay. Who'll take you home?" called Hunter in a desperate, last-ditch attempt to win the girl back over. "MY NAME IS CHANTELLE, YOU PRICK!!! And to answer your question, I'll just hail a cab. See you never, asshole." said Chantelle as she walked out of the restaurant as Griffin and Harper started to quietly giggle before other people started to chuckle lightly, only annoying Hunter further before looking back at Harper and Griffin. "Thanks a lot, you guys. You just ruined what could've been a good day for me." said Hunter as he and Griffin engaged each other in a staring contest. "Until the insurance came, that is." said Harper, barely flinching. "Do you even know how many girls you've caused to go into a deep depression because you'd always walk out on them as soon as you heard that they were pregnant and just move on to the next girl like it was nothing?" asked Griffin, using every ounce of his decency to not make a scene in the restaurant and just start tackling and punching the living daylights out of his and Harper's enemy. "Pfft. It's not my problem. They were the ones asking for it, anyway. I'm not ready for a real relationship and I'm sure as hell not ready to fork over my dough to some poor girl who had my kid and doesn't enough money or support from her family to pay the bills. If she won't accept responsibility for her mistake, she's definitely not getting an ounce of child support money from me. Unless she wants to apologize and come back to my bedroom to pony up. Until then, she and that kid are on their own." said Hunter like it was nothing. However, after hearing that, Harper felt like she could puke and was doing her best to keep her composure, various patrons in the restaurant were calling people on their phones and Griffin looked like he was about ready to straight up murder Hunter but he didn't make a move. Until he heard what Hunter said next. "Besides, it's not like I could ever love my own kid. Even if they were all dropped on my doorstep in the middle of winter, I still wouldn't care. Let 'em freeze to death. Babies die all the time. It's not the end of the world." said Hunter before he felt a fist to his face and fell to the restaurant floor. "What the hell, Griffin?!" asked Harper as she watched the taller boy fall to the floor before her boyfriend grabbed her by the hand and they ran out to Griffin's Tesla and hightalied it outta the restaurant parking lot before things could get ugly. "I just did all of Sulphur Springs a favor. You're welcome!" said Griffin with a nonchalant shrug. "Now, call my folks and tell 'em I'm not in the mood to party. And that I might need to ice my hand when we get back to The Tremont." said Griffin as he turned the Tesla onto a backroad that led to The Tremont right as the cops arrived at the restaurant. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later that evening, Griffin and Harper were cuddling on his bed and looking at the newspaper. And guess what the front page headline read? "Teen Boy ARRESTED For Admitting To Not Being Able To Love Children". Surprised much? Didn't think so. Also, when they got home, Griffin got an ice pack and trudged up the stairs to his room to sleep while Harper answered everybody's questions before she joined her boyfriend for some birthday cuddles about twenty minutes ago. "I still can't believe you did that!" said Harper in disbelief as her eyes continuously darted back and forth between the front page of the newspaper and Griffin's hand which Sarah had bandaged about an hour ago. "Yea, well. What can I say? It comes with the territory of being this good-looking." said Griffin in a terrible impression of Hunter's voice, which got a laugh out of Harper, before he continued. "But seriously though, I've wanted to do that and more to him since our fight so it felt nice to finally give him some after all this time of watching innocent girls losing themselves to that prick. Just wish I didn't have to punch him with my good hand. I don't think I'll be playing guitar anytime soon." said Griffin as he leaned back on his bed and looked at his bandaged hand before pulling Harper close to him for a kiss. "Oh, shut up. You're my hero." said Harper as she leaned into her boyfriend and began to fall asleep. "Your hero, huh? I could get used to something like that." said Griffin cockily as he tossed the newspaper off the bed so he could get more comfortable on his bed. "Don't let it get to your head too much now. Love you, Guitar God." said Harper with a loud yawn and fell asleep in her boyfriend's arms. "Love you too, Locker Ninja." said Griffin as he kissed Harper's cheek and fell asleep. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay, before y'all start blowing up my feed, I just wanna clear up one thing:Just because I said I won't write smut, don't mean I won't write about other more mature/adult themes, like teen pregnancy. Also, was feeling a bit bold today and left a little code for y'all to crack. First one to crack it, I will follow you here on Wattpad. Hope you enjoyed this one!!! Stay Gold!!!

Also, this one is dedicated to @killiancaptainhook for her one-shot saga "Harper or Daisy's Excursion" partially inspiring this one-shot. Hope you're good, milady. Love you 3000!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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The Guitar God x The Locker Ninja:A Griffin x Harper Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now