Pain Endured

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We broke our hug and got into our dresses a real quick after cleaning all thst mess we created during our steamy session. Jimin took his steps towards the kitchen and made boiled water for that spicy ramen.

He perfectly made that half boiled egg with two soda cans. He dalled me down for feasting that instant cup noodles. I heard him screaming my name calling me down.

He neatly fixed that oh so called species ramen I own. As I opened the lid,that hot steam fogged on my glasses. " Let's eat " I said taking my chopsticks. Since I, spice tolerant,I didn't complain about the taste.

His face turned red and lips became plump. I could see him tear up. " Oh, it's kicking in" I heard him whine shaking his head. He gulped his soda and whined " Fuck, this shit is crazy  .

I was secretly laughing at him. His little hands travelled through my thighs and pinched it. " Aah!!" I cried out loud. " Stop complaining " he said with that reddish teary face. I excused myself and locked in bathroom and burst into laugh. Oh my spine and stomach hurts from laughing.

I was tearing up. As soon as I opened the door,I got my face baked with thst flour . A complete astonishment. " Ya, jugeolle ?" I yelled and chased him. All my apartment is entirely covered in flour.

We were running around in my apartment that we completely unheard the doorbell ringing . Someone entered. I  guess it's Jisoo because I gave her a spare key. We both froze in the pose we are right now.

Kim Hyunjoong and Jisoo gasped and laughed at our baked faces. My face lit up looking at cheerful Jisoo. " Unnie" I screamed. " Stop it unnie" she laughed ( they're twins).

" You remember that Jimin fellow? This is him now" I said pointing at him. " Anneyeonghaseyo noona" he greeted( Jimin is younger than Jisoo). " Am I not your noona? Honorific dummy" I said teasing. " Shut up, you're not my noona. Instead, you can call me oppa" he winked and smirked. Hyunjoong paused at his point and walked briskly towards balcony.  I followed him.


I've never seen her being close with any other guy. A d if you think it's jealousy, yes I'm jealous. I really hate seeing my best friend with someone else. That too with that guy Jimin, my jealousy peaked.

I moved away from there ignoring the chaos. She followed me to the balcony and hugged me saying  laughing underneath " Mr. Hoe bait, my first love has come back again" . She buried her face inside me staining my shirt with her baked face.

I chuckled and asked" Are they same? Did he confront you?". She explained me the whole thing thst happened. I'm glad that I don't have to worry for her anymore. She is healing already.

She went down and called Jimin to join me. " We're you there that night ?" He asked me standing beside me putting his hands inside his pockets. " Yeah we did" I chuckled.

" Since when have you been best friends?" He asked clearing his throat.  " Since we're seven years old.   Why did you dissappear?" I questioned back.

" Just dad's business things. Got so many death threats so,, we had to move" he answered with an uninterested gaze. " If you don't mind me asking, what are those tattoos on her body?like I mean why?" He asked me as if he was curious to know about it.

" Look,yuo don't really know what she has been through after her mom died" I said completely turning my body towards him.

" WHAT?! Bo ah aunt is dead?" his eyes teared up." Uncle Patrick didn't care about Haesoo and his girlfriends used to beat her and cut her skin when ever she cried. Isn't she brave that she hid her horrifying past with beauty?" I scoffed wiping my tears on edges of my eyes.

"She was used as a sex toy by his friends asking her to massage their cock and even pounding in her. Even my cousin  used her. After I grew up, I made sure he will never get an erection. I just wanted to say her " I've got your back. Don't worry". I dunno why God is testing her. Two months ago,she got to know about her Jisoo's toxic boyfriend. She was so frustrated that she drunk way too much. That Chang in came to Hae soo only to satisfy his dick. That day I was attacked by him and he handcuffed me to a staircase" I started crying.

" He handcuffed her, hurt her with  needles and knives cooling his anger on Hae soo and raped her brutally right in front of my helpless state. I struggled to free up myself but my attempt was futile. I didn't know how to tell her. But if I did,she'll be traumatized again. So I told her that it was me who did her. For  a minute I felt like she lost trust in me but do you know what she said? She said " You wouldn't do it on a purpose to me.  I know you know me" . I cried on her shoulders covering my scars. Like how can she be so understanding? I'm still afraid that one day she will come to know.  Whenever she says " Like you never did  me" my heart feels so heavy " I cried falling in my knees.


" Let's go of the past hyung" I said consoling him wiping his tears. " I'll be here for Hae soo with you like always you've stayed for her " I rubbed his shoulders. Not only Hyun Joong,  I also heard two more crying noises.

We shifted our gaze towards the sounds. Hae soo slammed against us pulling into her embrace holding our shirts tight drenching them with her hot tears and said " I love you guys" and started to cry even more.

Hyun joong kissed her forehead and held her hand. I pulled her onto my chest wiping her tears. She already bore more than she deserved which made her tears dry up. I'm feeling happy that she is able to throw away her emotion with tears.

She didn't even flinch when her senior hurt her. May be some sincere relations can melt a person from inside. Jisoo pulled Hyunjoong and hugged him tight. He got a good shoulder to cry on.

" No matter now many scars you have on your body, you are still beautiful and I'll never dare to put a scar on your heart ever. Your scars are too beautiful enough to turn them into art " I said pecking her lips and head. She hugged me covering her face.


Though God took away my dad and mom, he still left me a best friend and first love and also a sister to compete this trio of people that  matter to me.

My phone rang . I was Min Young sunbae.  " Yeoboseyo sunbae?" I spoke. All I heard was shivering voices and sniffles. " Sunbae?Gwaencha?" I asked her concerned.

" I'm really sorry" she cried out loud. I smiled and asked " Who told you?" . " Yuri,Jimin and Kang hyun" shecsaid jn shaky breathe.

" I'm not angry at you sunbae. I adore you and I'm your fan so please don't apologize to me" I said chuckling and hung up. I saw Jimin softly smiling at me with thst calm face.

❤️ I cannot promise you forever but we can be together ❤️

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