A soft day out.

205 3 1

Boomer centric in the beginning 


Someone was sitting at a dock, watching the fish swim. He was laying down on his stomach, his hand reached out to the water. The pond was crystal clear, koi fish swimming around. Lily Pads splattered around the pond. He loved this place. Trees surrounding the pond, and seemingly going on for miles after that. Silky white hair swayed in the wind, his vibrant green eyes focusing on the pond. He had a frog tongue sticking out of his mouth, a frog hybrid. The frog had green freckles splattered across his body, covering his face as well. He had a bleach white turtleneck and a fern green overalls. The overalls had a big pocket in the front, a lilypad on it. He'd had an old friend sew that on. After that, he learned how to sew. He sewed at least one nature themed thing into each of his clothes. He had a frog bucket hat, it was green. Just a tad bit dark, with eyes on it. The frog man never took it off, it was like it was glued to his head.

Boomer was his name. He had a muscular and big build. Boomer was tall, standing at 6'1. He had a bit of chub on his stomach and had plush thighs. His arms were muscular, having strength in them.

He was loud, always laughing loudly or having a loud pitch. Boomer never especially knew why, he just knew he was outgoing. It was natural, and his old friends didn't seem to mind.

Well, I suppose you want to know why he doesn't have any friends anymore?

His old friends were deemed 'TiredTwt', because it seemed they stayed up and talked too much. Although, some of his friends from there were still close friends. Most of them were dead.

They died while a bomb struck near Hypixel, where they lived. Now, Boomer lives in a private SMP. He had a happy life here, and loved it.

No one could replace his friends, though. Sure, all of his friends here were amazing and nice. Purpled, who was always sarcastic and funny. Punz, who was handsome and caring. Hannah, who was smart and always making fun of Boomer.

But. He missed TiredTwt. Purpled, Hannah and him were the only ones who survived. He missed Sammy, who they all made fun of because he was Australian. Levi, who was only 14 and was always joking around. Wallibear, always laughing and smiling. Eighty, who always gave good advice and listened. David, who cared about everyone yet made dumb jokes.

No one could replace them.

Boomer jumped back to reality as a fish jumped in and out of water, leaping. He smiled, looking at the fish.

The fish was a sunfish, nothing irregular. Boomer leaned down more, letting the fish rub against his hand. It was a weird sight to see, but Boomer was an irregular sight in general.

He hummed, sitting up and shaking his hand to try and dry it. Boomer tied his shoe and sat up, walking to his house. He saw that his window was open. Boomer narrowed his eyes, making sure his steps were lighter. He reached the house, unlocking and opening the door quickly. He was met by a blonde male, playing a game on his phone while on the couch. The blonde had a white hood and black ripped jeans. The hoodie had black stripes on the sleeve and a sewn on bee in the back of the hoodie. Boomer sighed as he realized he knew the blonde. Punz, one of his best friends. He shook his head, closing the door and window.

"What is actually wrong with you! I thought someone broke in!"

Boomer said with a light-hearted tone, scoffing. Punz smiled, his eyes not leaving his phone.

"Whos gonna break into a seemingly abandoned house? Some angsty teen? When they realize it isn't abandoned their gonna piss themselves and run."

Punz said with a blunt tone. He chuckled, eyebrows furrowing at the game. Punz scoffed and turned off his phone. Punz sat up, stretching. Boomer walked over, sitting next to him.

"You idiot, you could've just come over to me. I was by the dock, I know you saw me"

Boomer responded, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. He laid down, softly pushing Punz off the couch with a thud. Punz hit the floor, yelping. He sighed and just laid on the floor, making Boomer snicker. Punz was met by hands under his arms, picking him up. He was set on the couch, with Boomer sitting up finally. He had turned on Moana, Punz sighed as he realized this. He gave a glare to a smiling Boomer. The two fell asleep watching the movie, Boomer sprawled out on the couch as Punz was confined to a corner of the couch.

Punz woke up, yawning. The morning light was shining in his eyes. It was a decent sleep, neither good nor bad. He hummed, pushing Boomers limbs out of his way as he got up. Punz went to the kitchen, starting to make pancakes. He grabbed a pre-made pancake mix, mixing in all the needed ingredients in a bowl. Punz started mixing it when he heard a yelp and a big thud. He sighed and looked over to the couch. Boomer was on the ground, laughing hysterically. He fell off the couch, it seems. Boomer recovered quickly, walking over to Punz. He stood next to him, watching him wisk the pancake batter. Boomer grabbed a pan, setting it on the stove. He turned it on to medium, spraying it with non-stick spray. He opened a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of rainbow sprinkles, pretty much dumping the whole thing in there. Punz sighed, looking at Boomer.

"Seriously? They were gonna be so good."

Punz complained, with no real anger behind his voice. Boomer just smiled, fixing his frog hat.

"Well, you're lucky my tongue didn't dip in the batter."

Boomer pointed out, his long frog tongue still sticking out of his mouth. It wasn't really something he could control, so if it accidentally touched him or something he would just let it. It didn't bother Punz.

Boomer seemed to be bothered about it though, he didn't like it. If he saw it touch someone he would apologize constantly. Punz smiled and kept mixing, watching as the sprinkles turned the batter weird colors. He finished mixing after a second, setting the bowl down. Punz looked over to the pan, casually putting his thumb against the burning pan. He barely winced, before taking it out and looking at it. It was normal for Punz, testing things by how much it hurt. Boomer's mouth fell slack, surprised by the blonde's actions. Punz glanced over at him, scoffing. He grabbed the pancake bowl, putting some of the batter into the pan. Punz opened a drawer and grabbed a spatula. Boomer rushed over to him, grabbing his hand and looking at Punz' thumb. It was red and obviously hurt.

"What is with you!"

Boomer said with a concerned tone, looking at Punz. Punz just chuckled, pulling his hand away.

"It's nothing new, I'm fine"

He stated bluntly, flicking the bucket hat off Boomers head. He turned around and flipped the pancakes, showing a perfect light brown. Punz hummed, happy with how their turn out so far. Boomer picked up his hat, setting it on Punz. He went to a cabinet, grabbing 2 plates. He set them down, getting on his frog slippers. Boomer grabbed the plate again, walking outside to the porch.

The porch was decorated nicely, a big brown wood table with 3 chairs. It had an umbrella over it that came from the middle of the table. Boomer set down the plates on it, smiling. The table was decorated with overgrown vines and some flowers. It was pleasing to look at, to him at least. Boomer spotted a stray cat, one he knew. He smiled as he watched it jump on the table. The cat was black with bright green eyes and had one white paw. Boomer let it sniff him before the cat meowed and tried to rub against him. The frog picked it up, Smores, is his decided name Boomer thought. He walked inside again, Punz focused on the pancakes. There was 3 more pancakes than last time. Boomer walked to Punz, setting Smores on the counter. Punz side glanced at the cat, smiling.

"Where'd ya find him?"

He said, not reaching to pet the cat as he was cooking. Boomer picked the cat up again, realizing fur could get into the batter.

They stood there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence. Punz finished making the pancakes and set them all on the plate, cleaning out the pan and spatula. Boomer walked outside, holding the cat still. The blonde followed with the plate of pancakes, setting it on the table. He went back inside, grabbing silverware, napkins, and syrup. Smores laid down on the porch, stretching in the sun. Boomer sat down at a chair, waiting for Punz patiently. It didn't take long for him to come back out, hands full of stuff. He set it down on the table, sitting across from Boomer. 


Words; 1528

Maybe I'll finish it shrug 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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