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Sitting in the desk next to Obito, I looked at him peekily seeing him looking at me with a dazed look. "Hm? Obito-kun?" I asked curiously as Obito turned a bit pink before looking at the front of the board. Wonder if he's sick... Or I have something on my face... I thought as I instantly began to touch my face for anything strange. Stopping from touching my face, I sighed as I paid close attention to Kauri. Ninja learning...is so hard....what cruel god created this!! I thought as Kauri was going over the beginning of school, what we'll be learning, and what is going to happen for the full year.

"Haaah...this actually might be easy..." I muttered as a small bell like sound rung through the classroom. Clapping his hands together softly, Kauri smiled at us.

"Alright. Lunch and recess kids! Remember not to wander off from the academy grounds." He told us as kids from my class stood up and ran out towards the play area to eat their lunch or just to play for the entire full hour. Looking around, I realized something. I don't have a lunch box!!! I screamed as I lifelessly dropped my head on the desk. How could I be so stupid! I'm pretty sure I had it on me...

"Rin! Riiinnn!" I jumped in surprise as I stared at Obito's onyx eyes. Instantly, a blush found itself on my cheeks. Purposely coughing on my hand, I regained my composure and stared at Obito like some old lady.

"Y-Yeah?" I stammered out as Obito stared at me confusingly. Shit...did I real blush for a kid!? Bad Rin... Your an adult. Dating him now will make me a pedophile.... I thought as Obito fixed his goggles.

"Wanna eat...together?" He asked as he was scratching his cheek sheepishly. Blinking at him for a moment, I smiled at his question.

"Hai!" I nodded as I stood up and stretched. "But I don't have my bento....so..." I shrugged as I walked past him and grabbed a hold of his hand as I intertwined it with my own hand.

"I-It's no problem!" I heard him squeak as I led both of us outside and under a tree. "We can both share mine! I have a big bento!" He squeaked once more as I let go of his hand and turned around to face him.

"Thanks Obito-kun." I gratefully said with a smile as my stomach ground, making him chuckle and pull out from his jacket or someplace on him a red bento box. Opening it, he revealed to have rice, devilled eggs, and sausage octopus which so happened to be my favorite. Drooling at the site, I quickly shook my head and grabbed the chopsticks from an empty slot and began to eat the rice.

"Mmmmm....so good...." I said through a mouthful of rice. Taking another bit of rice, I watched Obito literally tear through his food like a rabid dog. Sweatdropping at him, I flipped over my chopstick and hit him across the head. "Obito-kun!" I exclaimed as Obito rubbed his head and I sternly looked at him. "That's not how you eat unless its your last day on Konoha!"

"But I'm hungry~" Obito whined as he looked at me with a pout. Wow...he's so adorable ~ I thought as I pushed that thought aside and rubbed my head. Grabbing the chopsticks from his hand, I quickly took ahold of a sausage and shoved it inside Obito's mouth.

"Now, chew slowly." I ordered as he looked at me baffled before following my order. Smiling with satisfaction, I crossed my arms at Obito. "See? That's much better!" I nodded as I caught notice of Kakashi practicing Tajitsu on a tree. Does he always train? I thought as Obito ate more civilized. "Hey Obito-kun, How about we go talk to Kakashi-kun?" I asked as I stood up and dusted off any dirt that may have been on my clothes.

"Ehh? Like he'll talk anyways." Obito said as he continued. "He's got some stick so far up his butt that it might be impossible to remove!" I grinned at his example as I silently chuckled.

"Come on! It ain't that bad..." I waved off as I walked towards Kakashi with a happy aura.
"No. Now go away." Kakashi said coldly as he turned his back towards me. Twitching my eye, I stared at Kakashi as he continued practicing his Tajitsu. That...arrogant brat! I thought as I grinded my teeth. He's so lucky I'm not in my old body...I'd have killed him if-

"See! Told you!" Obito said as he had his hands behind his back. Pointing at Kakashi, he grinned as Kakashi stopped practicing to stare at Obito. "Its impossible to pull that stick out!"

"And its impossible for you to become Hokage." Kakashi countered as Obito screamed.

"It is not! I'm totally going to become Hokage!" Looking at their argument, I closed my eyes in tiredness as shout and retort passed through one ear and the other. Haaah...I think Kakashi might be challenge seeing as he's so....Sasuke like I thought as I sweatdropped. I think we need months and years to finish this changing the world stuff to happen...and for Kakashi to be the Kakashi I know...

"Let's go Rin! We don't need him in our group!" Obito finally said in anger as he dragged me away as his hands were on my shoulder. Kakashi, who was blinking at us took a deep breath before continuing his practice.

"Good. Now I can actually work without any disturbances." I heard Kakashi say as Kauri appeared at that moment calling all of us in. Snapping my head towards Kakashi, I watched him pass by us and into the building.

"Tch. What a teme." Obito muttered as I looked at him. "Well its true." He shrugged as I pulled my journal out and quickly wrote an entry.

Ways to make Kakashi Happy!

1) Nothing

Smiling at what I wrote, I shut the journal closed and placed it inside my clothes. "Well Obito-kun, ready to be a good ninja?" I asked as he nodded with a blush on his face.

"Good. But you can't fall asleep."

"What!? But I'll die!"

"Not if I could stop it."
"Rin! How was your first day?" Ai asked as she squeezed my cheeks in pain. Looking at her as small tears of pain came dropping, I tried to smile.

"Ish whash good..." I said as she stopped pinching my cheek. Rubbing it, I grabbed a hold of Ai's hand as we began walking home. Looking at Obito and Kakashi, I saw them go their separate ways. Kakashi with Sakumo and Obito...helping a old lady?

"Ohoho~" Ai laughed as I turned my attention to her. "I see you got eyes for Kakashi? Wouldn't blame you." She smiled as I widened my eyes.

"I-Its not like that baa-chan!!!" I shouted as I could do nothing to change her mind in my small body.

"You'll change your mind when you get older."


"Then maybe I could have some great grandchildren."

"Baa-chan, please stop! Your embarrassing meeee!!"

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