The First Impressions

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Y/n was seen in his cage outside of the Indominus Rex paddock, then loaded into the cage slot at the side of the enclosure. The cage is fully pushed in, and clicked in place, as a large metal gate opens. Y/n steps into the enclosure, with a strange but familiar scent fills his nostrils, he picks up his blanket from the cage and growls as he feels something watching him in the trees.

He stops for a moment as he hears the titanium door shut behind him. He has to be careful, if it's anything like before, he could be with another larger creature... he should try to approach in a peaceful manner.

Y/n lets out a low rumble from his throat. Suddenly he hears a similar rumble from the bushes. Y/n raises his head allowing for whatever is watching him to see his throat rumble, as a kind of, peace ritual. As he continued, rustling is heard as the large white titan steps out of the tree line.

The Indominus Rex is responding well.

The Indominus Rex was cautious when something smelled similar was placed inside her paddock. Once he started his ritual, she felt something different, she didn't know what it was... it felt comforting. She hated everything that wasn't her yet this one, she didn't hate.

Y/n noticed the notable size difference, she was definitely bigger then Rexy. The two stop, the Indominus stops and leaves the Indotaurus alone as she heads back into the trees. Seemingly vanishing in his eyes, but her scent still lingers. He began to search for water, searching for any humidity.

As Y/n entered the tree line, he felt the ground beginning to get softer and softer, before it grew cold and squishy. In the middle of the rings of trees, a small pond of clean water. While in reality is artificially being refilled via pipe, the dinosaurs don't know that however.

The Indominus Rex is taking a few sips out of the pond, when her attention turns to the male. She analyzes him for a moment, before stepping a bit to the side, allowing him to drink besides her.

The Indotaurus lowered his body and began to drink out of the fountain. The two hybrids co-existing is simply a marvel to look at. The female halts, she pulls herself up, when Y/n notices he looks over to see her walking into the trees.

Y/n quickly follows her and reaches a clearing. A large observatory is seen at the end of the enclosure. He looked around but didn't see the Indominus anywhere.

Outside of the enclosure, the construction crews are on break as Claire and Owen get out of the car. Owen stares up at the towering walls, looking unconvinced and more than a little uneasy.

Claire: We've been pre-booking tickets for months. The park needs a new attraction every few years in order to reinvigorate the public's interest. Kinda like the space program.

She walks over to the flight up steps leading up to the observation tower. Owen follows.

Claire: Corporate felt genetic modification would up the "wow" factor.

Owen shakes his head at the idea. They already have one, and they were just lucky with him.

Owen: They're dinosaurs. "Wow" enough.

Claire: Not according to our focus groups. The Indominus rex makes us relevant again.

Owen can't believe his ears. He grins.

Owen: "The Indominus rex!"

Claire: We needed something scary and easy to pronounce. You should hear a four year old try to say "Archaeornithomimus."

Owen: You should hear you try to say it...

They enter the observation room. The supervisor Nick is sitting at his desk on his lunch break, munching a sandwich. Besides them he's the only one present. They walk over to one of the windows. As before, we don't see the I. rex, just the dense jungle of the paddock interior beyond the glass. Y/n suddenly walks out seemingly confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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