What they do when you on your period

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- Buys you pads or tampons
(What ever you use lmao) 😂
- Gets chocolate and flowers.
- Big teddy bear.
- Cuddles you.
- Rubs your stomach.
- Freaks out because he don't know what to do.

- Buys whatever you need.
- Writers it all down so he won't forget.
- Gets you water and necessary stuff.
- Runs a bath to help.

- Chocolate.
- Buys your necessary stuff.
- McDonald's.
- Cuddles you.
- Rubs your stomach.

- Sweets and food.
- Writes it all down so he won't forget.
- Cuddles you all day and night.
- Rubs your stomach.

- Y'all both on it.
- Lots of food.
- Crying together. 😂 😭 💀
- Cuddling each other.
- Baths.

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