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  the sound of the tires scraping against the road made my ears bleed, As we pulled up she told us where the office was "you'll be here until we're done?" she nodded as I got out and waited for my sister.

As we walked into the office the lady kept talking and talking "go ahead take a seat" "How do you feel about that?"

"vindicated" "Do you have plans on becoming an author?" She leaned in too close "I understand you've written 3 novels a teen girl detective, Viper De La Muerte"

"Can you tell me about her" "Viper is smart, perceptive, chronically misunderstood" She explained "any luck on getting your work published?" "Editors are short-sighted fear-based life forms. one once described her writing as gratuitously morbid and suggested I seek psychiatric help"

"Hmm" she smiled "Ironic isn't it?" I smiled back "How did you take that?" She ignored me "I sent her a thank you" I got up not wanting to bare with this again "Bathroom"

Walking away I sat on the toilet lid pulling out my phone, A small pop-up made something in my spark a little


staring at the message I didn't know what to reply with, Hi? hello? Hi I slowly typed back

Look who decided to reply I sent that hours ago

you're not the only one I text wait in line

mann😔 was the last thing I saw before the screen went black, "fuck," I forgot to charge it.

a knock on the door snapped me back, opening the door the gloomy face of my sister almost made me jump "You both can't hide in there for the rest of the session" The woman yelled from behind "Just preparing ourselves for our uncomfortable journey"

I tugged her bag gesturing to the window, "Nail file" she said hitting her bag. as I watched her pick the lock I watched hoping to learn some new stuff from her, the window door opened in a second.

She bent down going out the window as I followed from behind, Looking out I spotted a pipe "Weds, over there" Swiftly she jumped down grabbing onto the pole already making her way somewhere.

Jumping down I turned back seeing her in one of her "vision" positions, when I got to her she was already waiting for me "Coffee?" I asked "Of course"


going into the spot I noticed a boy struggling with the machine, "Holy crap" he jumped seeing my sister "Do you have a habit of scaring people?" "It's more of a hobby," She said "You go to Nevermore... Didn't realize they changed the uniforms"

"A quad over ice, and black tea. It's an emergency" I cut as I watched the boy look at me with confusion "It's four shots of expresso and tea" "Yeah I know- what a quad is, but spoiler alert expresso machine is having a seizure"

"All we have is drip" He turned to the man who was pouring coffee "drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no meaning or purpose," she said as I watched the man put the cup down in shame.

"what's wrong with the machine," Wednesday asked as if she didn't say anything wrong "it's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own" He continued "and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian" "Claire" I nodded going next to the boy taking the instructions away from him.

"Tri-wing screwdriver and a four-millimeter Allen wrench." I told her, and she stood next to me taking the tools from the guy "Wait, you read Italian?" "Of course, it's a native tongue of Machiavelli"

"Here's the deal," She turned to look at him "I'm going to fix your machine, you're going to make us our drinks and you call us a taxi"

"No taxis in Jericho try uber" "I don't have a phone, I refuse to be a slave of technology" I poked my head back waving the phone at him "Phone died"

"then you're out of luck, where are you going anyway?" he asked "That's on a need-to-know basis... what about trains?" "nearest station is Burlington about half an hour away"

"You have a valve issue" Wednesday suddenly cut in "I've seen it before," "Where?" He stepped closer to her "You have one of these monsters at home?" "Steam-powered guillotine we built it when we were ten"

"She wanted to decapitate our dolls more efficiently" I shrugged "Grim reaper barbies, make perfect sense" The steam stopped as she maintained her posture "Woah, never met a Nevermore kid who got their hands dirty"

"Tyler by the way, I didn't catch your names... or is that on a need-to-know basis too?" she turned to him "Wednesday" 

I squinted my eyes "Claire" "I'll tell you what, to show my appreciation how about I drive you to Burlington myself?" My sister shifted "Perfect, put the drinks on a to go up" 

"Uh but- I don't get off for another hour" I turned back leaving my sister with the talking before sitting down in an empty booth. slowly tapping my phone I looked out the window watching as the cars rode by, Not so long my sister sat right in front of me.

"Who's that?" I turned to look at the boys who were outside, and the door opened revealing 3 boys dressed up like lunatics. "what's nevermore's freaks doing out in the wild? this is our booth" 

"Why are you three dressed up like religious fanatics?" they looked at each other "We're pilgrims?" "Potato, Po-tah-to" I didn't bother looking straight at them "We work a pilgrim world" He pushed the poster at me "it takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide?" 

"My dad owns pilgrim world, who are you calling stupid," I heard footsteps from behind, I assuming its Tyler "if the buckled shoe fits" "Guys back off" As I suspected it was Tyler "Stay out of this, Galpin"

"Yes, stay out of this" My sister stood us "Close your eyes, Claire," She said before I straightened my posture

"So tell me... Freak? you've ever been with a normie?" He asked "Never found one that could handle me... Boo" The boy flinched making the other guy grab her shoulder. As I listened to them clearly losing the fight I snuck a smile.

after a few grunts and groans the cafe was finally silent again, "So where'd you learn those kung fu moves" it was Great while it lasted "my uncle, spent five years in a Tibetan monastery"

"Was he a monk?" I turned to look at him "Prisoner" the door opened once again leaving behind a small sound of bells "Dad" He said stepping back a little "Tyler what the hell is going on here"

"they were harassing customers and she put them in their place" the people in the cafe still staring at us "This little thing took down 3 boys? did you help her"

I watch as my sister's face slowly turned into pure disappointment, well at least only I can tell "Dad I swear I wasn't involved" "Apologies sheriff" A familiar voice came from behind, I got up, and stood next to Wednesday. "these two slipped away from me, Come on now time to go"

"Wait a minute hang on... you're an Addams? don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father, that man belongs behind bars. Guessing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I'm keeping an eye on you both" He pointed at us as I saw my sister smile "Okay"

As we drove off back to school the whole ride was just her giving us lectures on how we were already on sheriff Galpins radar, It was kinda annoying "Looks like an accident, I hope the drivers okay" I poked my head out to look at the steam coming out of the cars.

"he's dead, Broke his neck" Wednesday replied "How can you tell from this angle?" This time she chose to stay quiet staring out to the wonderful scene.


Anyways yall follow me for wenclair content on tt : asxf_s

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now